
January 29, 2008

One more block!!!

Whohooo...!!! One more block more to go ...then I am ready to put it together and quilt it...Yes!!! I have stitched during all breaks and my lunch hour...and it feels good, cause I´m toooooo tired to stitch anything after work. I really want this beauty finished...not just because I want to start something new...;D...I think...
And to all of you who wonders...they have caught the ones who set Storstrand on fire, and burnt the place down... the sad thing is that they are just teenagers...15,16 and 18... pheew... I´m better of to bed for my beautysleep..need to work on that eyes are all red....!!!

January 27, 2008

My first patchwork...

Today I was out reading May Kristins blog and shes a clever girl !!! Cause she popped the question that so many of us are thinking...What about our first quilts, and why did we start and what on earth keeps us going with this special craft that keeps us sewing backwards all the time!!

I guess that I always have been interested in crafting, my family is the kind who likes what comes made out from your hands...whatever there is ;D I guess the only one who isn´t crafting is my mother...she´s allergic to sewingmachines ;D...but I do remember her knitting when i was I know she can if she want to!! I also have a strong memory when I decided to make myself a knitted cap with a lot of colours and patterns and she said that I never would finish that...but I did! My grandmother was someone who always had something to work on at any occasion...and ofcourse I wanted to learn. I do have a little dollquilt that she made from scraps of all the clothes she sewed for us...It´s not pretty, not well sewn...but the only thing I still have from her....
Grandmothers dollquilt

My mother gave me my first sewing machine when I got my first child...a Husqvarna. On that one I started to sew childrens clothes and my sewing interest started. Later on I got a job at a fabricstore and sewed curtains day and night... And my Husqvarna got tired and guess what... I got a new one when I turned 30...and I guess my mother was the headsponsor!! This time a Bernina... and with this lady I got hooked on quiltmaking. At this time I lived with an alcoholic and my time with the sewing machine was my rest. I needed more time to sew to keep my mind healthy. So one day I composed a pillow....

I hadn´t any pattern I just sewed with what I had..and I didn´t know what to use and how to put it together...but it´s MY ever so special pillow. And guess what...I got hooked as anybody else ;D and soon I signed up for a quiltingclass and thats the way it is!!
And why do I keep on going on with this...all I can say is...It´s the most fun and feel lucky when I create. And all the fabulous people I have met through this I can not count how blessed I am...

I truly hope that I have learned a bit here and there and one thing I will know for sure is that I will not ever stop fiddling with my long as my eyes and body will accompany me. I do have a new quiltingbuddy now...cause my headsponsor and family gave me a new one again when I turned 40...and this time... I sew on a Pfaff... Thanks for letting me sew!!

En kall dag.../A cold day...

Äntligen vinter...eller vad man ska säga...-18 grader imorse...vackert men kallt!! Igår hjälpte vi till att flytta in min dotter Petra i hennes egna lägenhet...så nu är det hennes tur att stå på egna ben...eller mer hoppas jag :) Nytapetserat och fräscht var det och hon var sååå nöjd och lycklig.
Lycka till Petra!
Själv så var jag inte iform...tyckte allt var lite jobbigt igår..ingen matlust det var inte så konstigt...jag hade feber!! Där ser man..så någon syform har jag inte kommit till ännu. Men kunde inte låta bli att ta några bilder ute idag..

A really cold winterday today...-18 degrees and finally winter... beatiful but cold!! Yesterday we helped my daughter Petra to move to her own be a "big" girl and stand on her own feet( I hope ;D) She was so pleased with the wallpapers she had choosed and all the things the family had gathered for her...wish you all the luck Petra!
I was in no shape at all yesterday, everything just was tough...and when we got home I figured it out...Yes I had today I´m in no shape for sewing either...but I couldn´t resist in taking thoose photos outside...;D

January 24, 2008

Lite nytt..../Something new...

Vilken snöstorm vi haft...det har drivit och blåst och det har varit stora problem på vägarna...till och med posten hade ställt in några turer!!! Men inte hos mig!!! Fick detta lilla paket lite nytt rosa...Mmmmm...och ett nytt mönster och lite Roxannes lim... Den här ordern hade fastnat i Australien på något konstigt sätt och fick en tygbit extra av Kim på Honeysuckle Cottage...Tack ;D Har inte sytt något alls sedan helgen...lite broderi kanske men inte mycket. Det tar på att städa hela dagarna...det känns i kroppen ;D och knoppen!

A blizzard passed us today with lots and lots of snow...some didn´t receive their mail today...but I did !!! More pink fabrics...maybe it´s time for some washing??? Yes I know ...I do have a whole laundrybasket waiting for me...but it´s so boring!!! A lovely new bag pattern and Roxanne´s tempt me in to sewing...This is order was a bit delayed and Kim at Honeysuckle Cottage gave me a lovely pink FQ as a gift...Thanks Kim!!! Have been to tired to sew anything this new job makes me realize that I have some muscles that I didn´t know I had !!! ;D

January 20, 2008

Tillbaka.../ I´m back...

I have had a wonderful sewing weekend as always with my quiltingqroup...lot of laughs and lots and lots of sewing. I am so greatful for theese weekends...they are worth soooo much!!
Kristina had a surprise for us on Fridayevening and we were to make this lovely little purse...and I didn´t have any fabrics for it my bag!!! .. So ...Thanks Cici for letting my dive in to your fabrics...lucky me that you had my kind of colours. The purse was really fun and fast to make...even I couldn´t mess it up!!
On Saturday we exchanged blocks with each other. We are about to sew 6 blocks for each other and trade every month..theese are mine for them to sew for me...or to Viktor...cause he is the one who is going to have a new quilt for his bed!! He loves green!!! I will not see the result until they reach me sometime in the summer... 30 blocks in all... I´m so curious already!!!
On Saturday I sewed all hourglassblocks and sewed the Ohiostars together...I really LOVE them...hope it will look really good with the railfenceblocks too!!
Couldn´t resist in laying the Ohiostars together just to get a hint on the colours!!
On Sunday I sewed my half star blocks´s getting closer for solving the mystery!! And so was the weekend over in no time and off to home on snowy roads. I think it must have snowed 20 cm...maybe more!! Thankyou my dear friends for a lovely weekend...sorry you missed it Marica...and we missed you ! Tomorrow I´m off to a new job so now I guess I will be too tired to sew for a week or so ...but I do hope I will have some energy left for sewing anyway...fingers crossed!!!

January 18, 2008

Just a short notice!!!

I´m off to Arjeplog and sew (!!!) all weekend with my quilting group "Kviltarna" and I´m going take theese babies with me...hopefully they have grown a bit after the weekend...don´t know how much...but ...?? See you all on Sunday... Keep well and take care!! And sew a lot ;D

January 17, 2008

Tack!!!.../ Thankyou!!...

Tack snälla May Kristin för att du tänkt på mig och att du tycker att det är inspirerande att hälsa på hos mig!!! Jag blir såååå glad ;D Då får jag den stora äran att ge vidare till tio stycken som jag tycker är fantastiska...
Louise, Marica, May Kristin, May Britt, Britt-Inger och min kviltgrupp "Kviltarna" och många många fler ( 10 stycken är för lite!!)... och vad skulle jag göra utan Leanne, Gail, Annie och Bonnie som bara är helt underbara designers..som gör att man bara vill sitta och sy hela dagarna!!! Stor Kram till er alla!!!

Thankyou all wonderful people out there who is making my are simply the best !!!
Big hugs to you all!!!

January 13, 2008

Kunde inte låta bli att testa och så här är tydligen jag! Apperently this is how I am!

You Are From the Moon

You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many.


Det blev ingen sömnad på Bonnie´s mysterium idag... hade tänkt göra så mycket...julen skulle ut...skulle sy och så blev det ingenting av det alls. Så julen är kvar och måste ta tag i det imorgon. Men broderat det har är block 8 klart på "Quilters Journey"och har 2 st block kvar...har gett mig sjutton på att det ska vara klart i vår!!!Haven´t been sewing on Bonnie´s Mystery today...I should have... and I should have been taking away all christmas things...and not a thing went to the boxes...It will be tomorrows agenda...I think ;D Have been stitching on "Quilters Journey" instead ...and finally is block 8 finished. Two more to go...Hope you can hear me say: -I will have it finished THIS spring!!!
Please remind me sometimes...;D

January 12, 2008

En underbar vinterdag.... / A wonderful winterday...

Idag har det varit en underbar -5 grader och solen har tittat fram bara så där underbart!!! Hade kameran med mig idag och tog lite bilder...och det kändes faktiskt som om det var lite vår i luften...fastän jag vet att det är det INTE!!! Men titta och känn....


I had a lovely walk in the wonderful winterlandscape today...I´m not so fond of the winter...but sometimes it so beautiful..and today it was such a day...-5 degrees..and I had my camera with me...It almost felt like it was some change in the spring...and I do like that...but I also know that I was fooling myself...It´s definitely not SPRING...we´re about to have winter for at least 3-4 months more...pheeew...

January 10, 2008

Steg 4.../ Step 4

En steg till gjort!!! Börjar komma ikapp lite och det känns gott... Har nu steg 5 kvar...och då skulle jag ju haft den fiffiga linjalen som fortfarande är i Californien...får se om jag gör dem i alla fall. Alla tyger ligger ju redan och väntar i en "organiserad" röra. Gissar att Bonnie skickar del 6 ikväll eller imorgon!!
One more step on the way..feels wonderful...catching up step by step...pheew... Just one step behind ...number 5 and I´am without that magic ruler!!! I might do them anyway in another way..more timeconsuming...but I´m not the most person to be concearned about that!! ;D Still got my fabrics all around my sewingroom in some sort of organized it feels better to cut out the pieces now...instead of waiting for the ruler ...which is a couple of weeks away..Eagerly waiting for Bonnies posting on clue 6...maybe tonight or tomorrow.

January 9, 2008


I cant decide in what language I´m going to write in... I´m afraid it will be a bit messy with both languages...but I can´t make up my mind about that...sooo please take some time and vote so I can decide...THANKYOU!!

January 8, 2008

Step 3 finished!!

Catching up ladies!! It feels good to make one step a day now so I can be more prepared on Thursday when Bonnie puts up step 6... So I am not quite there yet...two more clues to go...pheew... Hope to make at least step 4...cause I haven´t got my ruler is somewhere in California for the moment...with Louise... I am a "bit" jealous of her who is "Over there" and having a wonderful time!! I wish it would have been me!! Have a VERY good time Louise!! And think of me ; you can see what kind of fabric I´m running out on!!! ;D
Step 3 More Nine Patches

January 6, 2008

Just sorrow.....

I´m angry, sad and very dissapointed in the human being this day!!! Some idiot or whatever has burned down our lovely old EFS Storstrand building!!! It were a church, camp and a place where courses could be held... and it was in my neighborhood!!! When I went to bed last night I just felt the smell of fire...but didn´t see or hear any sirens ... that is strange cause I looked out through my window very late at night (01.15) the dark and I couldn´t see any flames at all... I relly should have...but I think that sometimes you doesn´t want to see...must have been so. This morning I did see it burn through the same window!!

We just were so fond of this old building...and we had a lovely time at this place just a few months ago when we had Anne-Pia Godske Rasmussen from Denmark here to teach for us (in March 2007)... I´m so sorry for the human kind...where are we going in this world...

Carolina Crossroads...

Ä är jag på gång...har nu börjat att sy på Quiltvilles Mystery Challenge..."Carolina Crossroads"!!! Har hunnit att sy om mina rail fences...gjorde först i rosa, grönt och blått och tänkte lägga dit beige...Men tyckte att det blev alldeles för lika det jag gjort nyss och tänkte att jag måste utmana mig till att använda den blå högen i syskåpet!! Är bara en himla massa steg bakom...pust... Men har nu gjort mina Rail Fences ... och en del niorutor...
Steg 1/Step 1 Rail Fence
Steg2/ Step 2 Nine patch last ...I have started on Quiltvilles Mystery challenge "Carolina Crossroads"!!! Taadammm... I´m way behind...but here I come...hope to do some more the next days.
I have redone my railfences..I changed colour...;D Started with soft greens, pink, blue and beige...but thougt it looked much the same as I always end up I challenged myself a bit further and took out the green ones. And said ...Stina USE you blue fabric!!! And this it it!!

January 4, 2008

Hallå....hur kunde detta hända??? / could this happen??

Jag bara undrar...eller jag förstår inte alls...den var ju nyss tom... de måste ha förökat sig på något sätt...för jag har då inte köpt några nya tyger....eller kan jag ha glömt??? Nej ...det skulle jag absolut ha kommit ihåg!!! Så här skulle det ju inte få se ut i min korg med otvättade tyger...vem var det som slet sitt hår innan kursen med Leanne i höstas??? Jag ???? Tror att jag behöver HJÄLP....Just wondering...or can´t understand at all..this one was empty just a moment ago...they must have duplicated themselves in some way?? I haven´t bought any new fabrics at, no not me...I definitly would have remembered something nice as that!!! I know this was not how I promised that my laundrybasket with unwashed fabrics would look like!!! But it is... think I need help!!! Hmmmm.....Still can´t figured it out how it could happen...I washed every fabric in it just before my trip to Norway!!

January 3, 2008

Underbara julkappar.../ Wonderful christmaspresents....

Jag måste ha varit väldigt SNÄLL i År!!! Jag har fått såååå många fina presenter...Tack så väldigt mycket mina kära vänner och familj som gett mig dessa fina gåvor!!

I must have been really GOOD this year...Have received so many wonderful gifts...Thankyou from all of my heart my dear friends and family!!
Simple Seasons from my daughter Linda...I sent her an email with an wishlist...and wow it worked!!!
Lovely napkins from Marica...
Tea towel, fabrics, homemade heart and a very lovely "threadbasket" and the most gorgeous angel of the month (March) from Louise...
Such lovely gifts for the new year...I must come up with some new ideas to decorate...hmmm...
and some lovely zinkcones from Åsa...

Mina julklappar.../ My christmaspresents..

Lovade att visa vad jag sydde innan jul och gav till Louise och Åsa...

Promised to show what I sewed for christmasgifts to Louise and Åsa...
"I believe"

Viktor tyckte att det var riktigt kul att sätta alla utom honom själv på den olydiga sidan..;D
Jag gjorde min egen på svenska för Viktors skull!!

My son Viktor thought it was fun to put everybody else but him on the naughty side...;D
I made my own in swedish so that Viktor could read it!!!

January 2, 2008

Hemma.../ At home...

Efter att ha varit borta sedan dagen före julafton...och över nyår sååå kändes det otroligt skönt att komma hem. Inte för att jag inte har haft det bra...det har jag. Men när man är många och ljudnivån är "lite" hög ibland...så känns det skönt att koppla av hemma ;D!! Hoppas att ni alla har haft det lika bra som jag, med mycket god mat...hmmm ....och släkt och vänner på besök..
Fantastiskt att få så här trevlig post första dagen man är hemma!!!

Finally home...after nine or ten days at my parents home, with my brothers families...lots of children... (high sound level!!!) and lots of food and laughter. It sure felt good to sit with a cup of tea and to find out what the mailman brought me!!
Senaste numret av Country Threads...det blev en lång testund...;D

The latest number of Country Threads...had to drink two cups of tea....;D

Paket från Honeysuckle Cottage i Australien!!! Tack KIM!!!

Package from Honeysuckle Cottage i Australien!! Thanks KIM!!!
Extra kul att få det hälsning på svenska!!
Nice to have it wrapped with greetings in Swedish!!!

Alla mönster på Butterfly Garden...såå nu finns det ingen ursäkt att inte börja...jooo en ...har inte fått mitt personliga blockfrån Leanne än...hoppas att de inte kommit bort!!!

All patterns on Butterfly now there is no excuse to start this one to...;D ...Yes...ther is one...haven´t received my personal blocks from Leanne yet...hope they are on the way and not lost!!