
December 22, 2010

Long to be creative again.... :o)

And what can I say..
with FRIENDS sending things like this... 

it starts to tickle your mind...
and that is good...

Huge thanks to my Norweigan Elfs..
so many lovely little gifts...
Thanks again May Britt and Hanne!!! 

Yesterday was a real 
Look what was in my mail!!!!!

Anne Pia Godske Rasmussen
 NEW BOOK.....

All I can dream about... want to make EVERYTHING.. and I mean it!!!
Gorgeous everything.. and in 
colours I love!

Just take a look!!!

Should be on everyones wishlist!!!

 She really done a great book this time.. now I just want to hurry  home from Christmas Holidays.....have some new fabrics and start to sew!!!
How does that sound!!!
Like MUSIC!! :o)
It sure does!!!

Just what I think the doctored ordered for me to get well..

At last I want to wish everyone a wonderful time with Friends and Family 
and I hope you will have a great time

I will sit by the fire.. stitch on my Butterfly Garden blocks...
Play games with Viktor, Linda and Petra...
Talk to Mum and Dad.. eat good food and just BE!!
Not doing much!! :o)

Merry Christmas to you all!!!!

See you soon!

December 18, 2010

December update...

..Time Flies..

Remember me???? :o)

 Hope you are more prepared for Christmas than I am... :o)
But I guess  it will be Christmas... with our without gifts...
will try to feel happy about that!!

I finally finished my task for school.. to make something with the dyed fabrics we made earlier this Autumn.. and to make something with the stack n slash technique...

I started out to make some Churn dash blocks..
just because I like that block.. 
just added white or off white fabrics... to calm down the minty green batik...

Hmmm.. what to do with these now then.. they sure needed something...
so I started to crochet some snowflakes...
and it lay there for two more weeks.. not knowing what to do...

so I spilled out a jar of white buttons on it.. 
and yepp.. there it was.. :o)

So I sewed.. quilted small snowflakes....
added the crocheted snowflakes... the buttons... 
but still there was something more to add..


I cut out templates with just paper and added paint with a sponge..
And there it was 
My tribute.. or NOT...
to the cold winterdays we have had!!
All I can say is...


And it suits me right now..
Snowstorm is going on right here...
Having fever and cough again...
and more cold days to come!!

But I actually had some kind of fun putting that minty little wallhanging together..
despite the colours and the theme...:o)

Second of Advent have passed.. and I received the most treasured little gifts from
my Norweigan Elfs!!!!

  May Britt and Hanne!!!
Just LOVE everything....

And a while back a little note was in my mail that I had a little package to pick up at out mail service...
What what in the world could that be!! Had to wait a whole day to get it!! 

To my Surprise it was the most lovingly little gift 
from Carrie 
Just take  a look... 
A cute homemade little box filled to the brim with delightful things!! 
A pattern... pink ribbon.... the cutest little reindeer ornament....
flower ribbon and ric rac... pink flower fabric..and the box  with the lovely yo yo  flower in the bottom...

what a wonderful gift to cheer me up ...
Thankyou ever so much Carrie!! 

Last weekend Viktor and I made a Ginger Bread House....
That was FUN!!! :o)
And still the Non Stops are all there... lol...
But Viktor said..
 -Ahhh... this is just too tempting!!!! :o)

 The third of Advent came too .. with more lovely gifts from 
from Hanne and May Britt ..
my Norweigan Elfs....
It is all the best... to have this wonderful moment of joy every Sunday!!!
I so love this and will miss it!!!
Thanks my friends!

And tomorrow the last of Advent is here...
(how did that happen ?)

A long post and a little update from me
and while looking through pictures I found this  gift
 I made for my friend Åsa for her Birthday in October

Another little Pincushion Jar... 

So fun to make... 

Well over and out from me this time.. 
just two weeks since the last post... not a month like the one before... lol
its getting better...:o)

Tomorrow I can look forward to:
Last Advent gifts...
Oldest Daughter coming home for Christmas
No Fever( maybe)

 See you!!

December 4, 2010


almost one month since I posted!!!!
How did that happen...

Needed to bury my head for a while... too tired for anything...
all the colds... Mum at emergency another round...
work.. school and THE DARK and THE COLD...
not a good combo for me!!

But emails have been coming in my mail to 
alert me... so 
Here I am...
Thankyou friends for thinking of me.. 
you all know how you are..
Gold stars to you!!

(Wont reply to old emails.. will start fresh from this post, sorry..
hope you dont mind...:o)

Ok.. what have been happening here...
I mean it... 
Thank goodness for some lovely mails that have arrived...
so something happens!! 

First this arrived...
A lucky win from 
 Awesome patterns.... these are just so fresh...
I so love the bags...
Would be nice to have a new bag!!!!

...Thankyou so much Bari...

In the middle of November we had a 
stack n slash weekend at my place....
Schoolwork... Patchwork this month..
and it have been the toughest month of them all...
So far!! 
Dont like my batik fabric... and not the colour...
it doesnt speak to me at all...and I have to use it!!!
So it aint finished.. should have been..
So it need to be done .. tomorrow!!!

But it was fun to have Camilla around and learn her to play with fabrics!!!
All the other girls were sick or just couldn´t come!
Hope she have done something fun with her blocks!

The same week a surprise package was in my mailbox....
A Thankyou present from Judy at 
for helping her out on how to use Picasa...
Isnt that sweet or what...
ANd I love this cute little cupcake 
Love it Judy

And then more started to come in the mail
A brown little package from Lyn 
Saved it for Christmas...
Hurried to pack it away.. so I wouldnt open it up before.. 
so I forgot to take a photo!!!

Thanks Lyn!!! 

More happiness came... for the first of Advent....
from Norway two Elves had put together calenders for me...
even if I told them that I couldnt return
 a calender to them this year...
May Britt and Hanne for your generosity and 
all the positive chatting ...
*smiles to you*

 Had a lovely Sunday opening the packages after have been decorating the house for Christmas all weekend...
( Bless you Son for having the energy and Joy to do it with me!)
Long till tomorrow to open up package number two!!!

Pheew.. that was  a lot from me...
Still here ..
Just tired and will probably not post so much during 
December... but I will be around!!

Signing off with some pictures from my daily walks to work early mornings...
I love to walk through the Old Church town with our Church...
just to feel the atmosphere...
feel the calmness and peace around the place...
Good for the soul!

Hugs to all...
"Life is a Patchwork of Friends"