
May 23, 2011


Time really do fly away...
Lots have happened here while I havent been around in Blogland...

Lots of M´s...

My guys came home from a wonderful Mallorca trip...
They had a wonderful time...
lots of training.. but as you see lots of other fun things...

while they were away I was sick..
hah.. no surprise to me...
but what do a girl do then.. 
More fabrics to me...
Mmmmm shopping... :o)

This is my new love... 
 "Vintage" bed linen... 
love these fresh and flowery fabrics..
Bought on Etsy from the wonderful  Jennie at 

And these have been on a Snail journey... it just took around 
7 weeks to get here from Canada
from the lovely Nancy at Pink Fawn Designs...
Just long till I get some time to sew something with these... 
just need some more pinks to my new collection...:o)

But the big time M happening is this....

While My guys were enjoying themselves at Mallorca...
My Mother and I took a little trip...
The M Mission... 

 So how this all happened.. 
Im not really sure of.. but suddenly we are with a new baby and last week she came...
A puppy for Viktor... an early birthdaygift... 
Oh how Viktor have longed.. he have daydreamed... and borrowed books and read everything..and LONGED... 
and suddenly she came...
but ... as you know...
Puppies aint all that sweet all the time...
So she got a nick name
Monster Molly pretty

She really have given us some good laughs...
Our Miss Molly... :o)
She´s a Mix between 
Golden retriever and Labrador Retriever
2 months tomorrow...:o)

Hopefully she will grow up to be a lovely and sweet company for Viktor.. 
wise and calm...
(right now we really do wonder..;o)

So ..
You know this with sewing.. 
its pretty much on hold.. 
but I have sewn... and finally my Lovely PIF ladies..
will have something to be waiting for soon.. 
and I have started to sew something for Me

just Me..

Dont know what it will be ..if it will be something...
 but I just had to try these blocks out...

Well that was a report from 
MY little piece on Earth
Over and out with some cuteness...


See you soon..
have a little one that need to go out..:o)

See you soon
Love Stina...

I do know I have missed to reply to some during these days.. so sorry for that...but I´ll start fresh from today with replying..
and please do check your settings.. so many of you are set as NO REPLY ...
and to you I cant reply..

May 6, 2011

I´m back with part two....

of my sewing room tour..
Ok where were we... 
First corner showed...
When looking more to the left I have the "sewingpart" of the room.. 
Long room..:O))... but narrow... 
and the angled ceiling takes away lots of space..
 but thats how it is.. I know I have LOTS of SPACE!! 
But I do have a lot of things

Some white paint would do magic to the ceiling... 
but I think I save that to my next ReDo..:O))
The white desk have become Viktors favorite place to do his homework....
Had a cutting table here before.. but took it away because all that happened was that I piled up everything on that table when coming from downstairs...

 Some storage along the wall and a newly made note board
with old doilies...
At the end of this room beside the window...
  is where I sit and ponder and hopefully sews something..:o)
Behind the sewing table I have my books and my patterns...
neatly organized now!!!!

My little cutting table made from old boxes that held bulbs of tulips and other spring bulbs before. Stacked on each other, an old table top on top and some baskets.. :o)
And on wheels..:O))

Designwall made from a styrofoam board..
just glued to a rod.. and covered with flannel..
Works super!!
Now looking back to the beginning of the room..
I have my fabric cabinet...
Filled with LOTS of fabrics... 
the prettier ones high up.. I hardly open the lower doors... 
where the darker fabrics are..:O))

I love this cabinet.. its perfect!!
 Well... Almost back at the beginning... 
Here is where I have a little show and tell corner..:O))
Quilts made by friends, in swaps, and by myself.. and changed after mood!
And erhmmmm..
did you take notice??
The  white "small" pile hidden under my grandmothers laundry bag...
but unwashed!!!! 
Ahh.. when will I ever catch up my washing... 
PREWASH or NOT... thats the question... right ...:o))

So thats it.. my Creative place in my corner of the world!!! :o)

No sewing here yet today...
have been on a mission today looking at a puppy for my Mum...
So sweet so sweet...
Could adopt her right away!!
To cute... :o))
Hope she stayed still for some seconds and got caught on a picture...
have to check my camera later..:O))

See you ..:O)
maybe I should make something tonight..???

May 5, 2011


in the sewing room tour!!

Don´t really know how it happened...
but oh it feels great just to have played with my sewing machine again!!
But I have to tell you.. it must have been a long time since I had sewn..
I didn´t remember how to thread the machine... seriously!!!
Machine is still so new and I havent sewn that much.. 
so I had to read the instuctions!!!

Do you want to see what I have done!!

You know how I love to use old fabrics and scraps...
and this time I got some use of just that...

Bought a book 
Natural Patchwork by Suzuko Koseki
just for some new inspiration...
And there it was a tea towel bag...

"Happiness is to sew"
And this bag was born...just out of fun!!

This is the back of the bag
..and I even had fun playing with some stamps!!..

Im so happy 
Just because of some time with my machine!


My Creative place....

Well lets say ..

So.. shall we start a tour of my de-cluttered sewing room...

It all started with me buying a glass cabinet...and having the glorious idea of having it in my sewing-room ...
it was just that I had to reorganize everything to get it in place!!
Silly me!! :o)
But finally after a lot of not so nice words popping out of my mouth...
and the THINKING hat on.. I managed to squeeze it in... :o)

And I love it.. it holds all those things I had all over the room before
 and collecting DUST...
Yes I have that in my!!!
Now I can see where everything is...
except for all those little bits that I have stuffed in tins and cant see!!!
Oh.. and there you can see a pretty new little bundle of joy...

I had the amazing  luck in winning it from Fig Tree Quilts and Joanna earlier !!
Looks lovely right!! :o)

Moving to the left I have a little cabinet filled with this and that.. 
and a little place to show some quilts....
Further to the left I have a guest bed..
So Marica.. if you come some day you have to sleep in another
and hope you wont fall out of the bed..;O)

That was the first corner...:o)
Think its time for a cup of tea for me... 
(promise to be back and show the other side of the room...)
and perhaps a book or two to read and sigh about!!

Can you tell me..
How in the world do you do when you sew!!
Think I lost it!!

And its a little bit of grumbling here from me..
I bit off a piece from a tooth this morning.. 
Lucky me.. 
Glasses yesterday .. the tooth today...
well well....
as long as my boys are having a great time over at sunny Mallorca Im happy..
sun...the pool.. great food... and lovely tennis courts..:O)
at least that is what they tell me..:o)

And OH.. I have a question for you in the USA....
Where is it the best to buy a San Jose Shark t-shirt for Viktor????
Birthday coming up here!!! :o)

LOVE ...:o)

May 4, 2011


Good NEWS!!!
I just had to share!!
My daughter Linda who is becoming an Librarian....
she´s this happy now... :o)
She´s going to ITALY!!!!!
Congratulations sweetheart!!

Earlier this Spring she searched to FAO´s Internship Programme in Rome, Italy
to work on their Forestry Information Centre..
and she got it!!!

I havent even thought of her going even more far away from home...
Im just so happy for her!! :o)

Love from me

Yesterday ...
I waved goodbye to my guys ( who are going on their number one adventure this year) ...
Tennis Camp on Mallorca !!!
One week in hopefully sunny Palma de Mallorca
Guillermo Vilas Tennis Academy....

And me...
Left home Alone...
...dont know if to smile or to be sad...

Have had the colds for so long now.. with a sore throat and a running nose!
(  the second time since middle of April)
not to forget a bit of some allergic reactions too..
So I am having some days at home...

Day started off good... NOT.... my glasses broke.. good one hey??))
Hope for it to be better and better...
Am reading books and patterns in hope to find some inspiration 
in between my teacups...

So see you soon with pictures from hopefully something crafty and some pictures from my de-cluttered sewing room!!

Love always!!