
October 2, 2008

Deadlines and a prize!!

One deadline has just passed for all Angel Story Club Members...and now it´s time to aim for the next one!!! January the 1st ...then we will see a lot of fantastic quilts ready!!
Oh I know that there are sooooo many of you who have struggled to finish the tops...
Jo in Tas almost made it... Bjorg... oh this was horrible...she cut herself with the rotary cutter badly... I feel so sorry for her...LADIES...take care and be careful!!!Please take your time and visit the blogs under the Angel badge and check out their progress...
The blocks are wonderful... and the quilts.... they will be wonderful ... :)
Ok there were not so many who finished the tops...
Yvonne already had finished her top before joing the club...she is handquilting hers now...
Inger-Lise in Norway have her top finished... May Britt stayed up late at her birthday to finish her top...and I did finish in time for the deadline ...oh for that I´m grateful ;)
And I have promised a little prize for one who did finish in time...
And I won!!!
Oh...just kidding... ;)
Number one was the number my son chose...and who might that be....????

Hmmmm...don´t remember...
While I try to remember...I just wanted you to see some pictures from the other day...
It was a very cold morning...the first frost...
...and this is a picture taken with my cellphone from one of the houses I´m cleaning...
...Can you see what is on the roofs????
It does look like snow... Can´t belive this... could it be snow...already...think my eyes are fooling me...must be frost... think it is...I hope!! :)

And I have finally received my prize that I won at Quilt Taffy....
...a wonderful pattern on a lovely pincushion made of Kim Diehl... and can you see the lovely little kit she sent and green...this will be a wonderful pincushion for me... ;)
Thankyou sooo much!!! was something I was supposed to tell you... Hmmmm...
Katherine at Quilter Going having a giveaway celebrating her 100 th post!!!

Oh...I´m soooo tired of running up and down in houses cleaning... think my head is blank...
So I will make myself a nice cup of tea...and share some icecream with my son and watch IDOL... Sounds good hey...
But wait... Hmmm..
Do you want to know who won...???

Inger-Lise... you did... so send me your postadress and I will put your little prize in the mail someday !!! :)

Take care... and Happy stitching!!


  1. I won.... so fun. Thanks a lot Stina. Now I have to take a large step to start quilting lol so I get finished in time to january.

  2. Love your prize, the fabrics are great! I can't believe the pictures of the frost already. Although, they say that we may have frost this week too. Yikes, that only means one thing, winter is on its way.

  3. So glad to see you are still surviving the new job. Hang in there Stina!

    Can't wait to see Angels all quilted :o)

  4. Congratulations to the winner:) I have been watching the progress and sure wish i would have been able to play with you...would love to play next time:) enjoy the ice cream!!

  5. Congratulations Inger-Lise!
    And Stina thank you for the fun!
    Now I go visit each Angel!
    Ooops, I'll post a picture of my Angel quilt after the weekend. (I have a quiltretreat this weekend! Oléééé)

  6. Thank you for such a great challenge. I hope to have mine done by NYE and quilted. We are just coming into summer(hot day) and you are coming into winter. At least you can cuddle up in from=nt of a fire and quilt. Good luck for winter.

  7. Thank you Stina for pushing me so to finish this top. Now I just look forward to start quilting it

  8. Congratulations Inger-Lise, perhaps there'll be a bit more competition for the next deadline :-)

  9. You tease. Congrats to Ingre Lise. Love the goodies you won.

  10. Congratulations to all you top finishers - and to Inger Lise who won deadline # 1 :-)

    I am working on my blocks daily, so the next deadline is a realistic one for me.

  11. You are such a tricker Stina! Lucky you to win the pin cushion kit...very cute! Thank goodness the frost is at your house....I am ready for some sun more frosts for us for a while!!! Cathy

  12. Hi Stina,
    What a cute blog you have! I love the triangle quilt on the sides, did you make it? Have a great day!

  13. Oh Stina,

    That was SO funny - I had a good giggle at you.

    Hope work is 'working out' Lucky Inger - Lise.

    Jo's quilt looks georgeous - makes me regret not having a go!

  14. Snow, no it can't be. It's early October. It is still very warm here and the air conditioning is on. We saw a few snowflakes here one day last winter. Very, very rare for that.
    Glad that you and some of the other ladies have met your deadline on the angel quilts. It is such a nice project.



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

- - -XOX- - -