
February 17, 2009

Two finishes...

How did that happen??? ;)
Hard work... ;) (not) and some willpower and most of all my longing for sewing!!

This is the little "Cheer You Up" gift I received from Kris at Tag Along Teddies...
Started to work on this one on Sunday at Marica... you see the lovely button!!!
and today I finished it ...and Kris you were so right was a perfect little job for my finger ...think I managed it without too much strain!!
Thanks for thinking of me... :L
So here is my version ...
with a little spring colours...
Im so happy finally get something done around here...

whooa... wait I have another finish.... :)
Finished with the little quilt I got fabrics for from Kathie
So this is how my version of it became...
Can you see ...that those flowers look just like snowflakes... if not ...use your
Can you tell I´m pretty pleased with myself.. :)
And best of all...
just a little sewing have made me feel so much better...
Ok ...the finger is still bothering me...
but my mood is better!! :)

So May Britt and Kris...I have two finishes for February!!!


  1. That's great. And even if you should try to take it easy with your finger, I know the feeling not being able to sew. So I guess doing a little also is medicine. A not happy Stina is not good LOL
    Love both your finishes.

  2. Hey Stina! WOW! Look at you go!! TWO finishes!! YAY! And your version of "Love Bears All" Looks fabulous!! I'm so pleased you enjoyed my little "Cheer you up" giftie!! And glad that stitching has made you feel happier, too. And your plaid quilt looks great, too - pretty snowflake flowers! I've added them to the spreadsheet for this month's prize draw - but I think you've already won with these lovely finishes!! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  3. Good Morning Stina, I am so glad you are starting to sew again and two wonderful finishes. Hugs Debbie

  4. Terrific finishes and such sweet designs. Glad you were able to use your neelde and thread for a little while.

  5. Two finishes, that is terrific! It feels great to have completed projects that you can now use. They are lovely!

  6. The little bear is precious, but I love the little quilt. It is very country looking. You do a wonderful job of choosing what fabrics to put where. I think I will start collecting checks and plaids and see if I can make a little quilt like yours....

  7. Love your projects! Way to go -- two finishes.

  8. This small wallhanging is sooo cute! Well done.....

  9. Love your finishes...they're so inspiring because it's been so hard for you to sew with that sore finger!

  10. Wow, two finishes! Just remember to be kind to your finger, but a little sewing each day is good for you!
    They came out very nice!

  11. Hi again,
    wow - congrats on your finishes for February! Hey, even being handicapped you're way better than me with finishing projects...;o)
    You did a beautiful job on Kris' cute design...and I love your version of Kathie's quilt...!
    I'm glad you did a bit stitching ~ I know how this can positively affect your mood...{I can tell myself ~ could do some seams today and now I'm almost as happy as always ;o)} and this helps to speed up the healing process...
    Feel hugged,

  12. Love them! How cute and I am so glad you got to work on some projects :o)

  13. Stina what a wonderful job you have done on both the projects...

  14. Sewing is good medicine . . . . just don't take too much *s* Love your finishes!

  15. Looks like you've been having a little 'therapy sewing';) That's got to be a good thing. Very cute;)

  16. Amazing finishes Stina! I love them both! So nice to see that you could do some stitching, I can almost see your big happy smile! ;-))))

  17. It is so good to see you back stitching. Love your finishes.

  18. Such lovely finishes, Stina! I love the little bear stitchery (O:
    Glad your finger liked the therapy.

  19. Bravo!!! 2 finishes...that's great! And they are both too cute!

  20. Love your finishes and the special touches to the little quilt bits Kathie gave you. It makes it all the more special!

  21. Congratulation on your two finishes. They look wonderful! Sounds like you're excited about your accomplishment and you should be! Now I just have to follow your example.

  22. glad to see you stitching again
    and oh I just love your version on my little quilt
    yes I see the snowflakes
    thanks for sharing the pictures with us

  23. I love your little quilt from the fabs Kathie gave you. I need to finish mine too. I like what you did.

  24. Two very sweet little quilts, well done Stina, love them.

  25. Your little teddy bear quilt is lovely. I love the spring 'Stina' colours you used.
    The plaid quilt is lovely too. Your stitched blocks make it very special.
    Glad you are feeling better.



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