
May 4, 2009

Still here...

...enjoying Spring...
nothing much to report from the sewingroom...
seems to me that when the sun shines..Im out
Just left everything on the sewingtable... and believe is still there..not finished...
so NO finish for me during April..ahh shame on me...
Hope to do better in May...
Found this beauty on the road to the Covered Tennis Courts...
"Coltsfoot" ..I the english word for our "Tussilago"

Last of April we celebrate "Valborgsmässoafton" and the Kings birthday...
but we were in no mood for joining the yearly fires this year.. we did see
"The Yearly Channel Race Swim"
...this year it was a good year...
not so much ice... just a couple flakes of ice and not so cold in the water...
heard it was about +1-2 C ( 35 F)...
Think the race is about one km...
This year my DH workplace had a team...
so we were there to cheer them on...

Otherwise the weekend have been filled with a lot of tennis...
Viktor played ...and got to the finals ... lost..but was so happy for his new trophy...

Worked some on my hexagons...
slowly getting more and more done...
...have some not attached yet...
hopefully they will be by the end of the day...
Enjoy the days!!!


  1. Enjoy the good weather while it's there! It's lovely to see the spring colours and I love your crocheted hexagons!

  2. You're making great progress on your hexagons. I'm just loving the colors.

  3. The flower is lovely, the water cold and the hexagons beautiful!! Sounds like you are a busy lady these days, even if you aren't in the sewing room.

  4. Your husband went in that water?

  5. I LOVE your hexagons ... the colours are glorious. I didn't finish anything in March but April was more productive ... maybe May will be for you.

  6. Hey, come on now! No shame - those hexagons are just gorgeous!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  7. Enjoying Spring is the right thing to do now! I take my handwork in the garden, "one stitch at a time saves nine!", it goes slow, but it works! Your hexagons look so nice! I think you have to buy some more yarn!!!

  8. Love the yellow flower, hate the cold water, want the hexagon throw when it is done!!!!!

  9. The hexagons are gorgeous. I love, love, love the flowers on your blog header as well!

  10. I always love your flower pictures :o) The crochet hexagons are looking so pretty! Love those colors.

  11. wow Stina I realy like your hexagons :) I hope you feel fine and had a great day today!

    Take care :)

  12. Look at you go with that crochet! A perfect spring project *s*

  13. Oh I just love those hexagons! The colours are just so pretty together :)

  14. It's difficult to get motivated and stay inside when the weather is nice, isn't it? Your hexagons are lovely and the colors remind me of Spumoni ice cream...delicious!

    I can't imagine swimming when the water temperature is 35 degrees. Yikes!

  15. I'm amazed at how fast you are cruising alont with that crochet! Good Job Stina!!

  16. Love the colors in your hexagons.

  17. Your sherbert hexies are looking very nice...almost good enough to;)

  18. I love your hexagon colors -- perfect and fresh for spring!

  19. I think even sewing rooms need a resting time--- With our weather being so similar I completely understand the need to gettingout and enjoying it....Great hexagons---

  20. Your crochett hex is so pretty. I'm very impressed!
    P.S. I love your country's national flag. yellow with blue, love that color scheme. :-)

  21. I think there is enough happening around you! And congratulations for Viktor winning a trophy!
    Your hexagons are beauties. I love the colors you are using.

  22. Hia Stina, thanks for correcting me about the Finnish witch- have amended my blog.

    Your hexagons are looking lovely- the colours remind me of apple blossom on a tree.

    Nevermind about not having a finish for April (it is a short month LOL) I'm sure you will have for May instead. :-)

    The swim looks cold with people in wet suits but a lot of fun.

  23. Your hexagons are lovely. There is no way I would be able to get in that water brrrrr.

  24. Look at those pretty hexagons! I love them! And also those swimmers! That is just nuts!

  25. Nice blogg you have and some nice works too. Have a great weekend :-)

  26. Pretty, pretty hexagons. Such fresh colours.

  27. Wonderful colours! I wish I could have those just now to start something so beautiful!
    Always enjoy your handworks!



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