
September 8, 2009

Wonderful wonderful mail...

Last week I had a package waiting for me...when coming home from work!!!!
(YOU have to excuse me here a bit...I am just a little bit behind in blogging ...soooo I will try and catch up here  on my doings... lol....)
Oh how I love surprises!!!!
At least good ones!
And this one was....
Take a look!
 Carrie from 
was the kind soul who knew my longing for lovely wool...
And I say .. WOOW!!!
Lots and lots of wonderful little pieces, cloth for backing and a lovely pattern for gorgeous pincushions...and crushed walnut shells!!!! 

Thankyou so much Carrie!!!!

And as Carrie wrote:
"Enjoy and let your creative juices flow...Make yourself something.... maybe its just  litte bit but I hope it brings you joy!!"
I think it is sooo generous and I sure will have lots and lots of fun!!!
I promise!!!!
I am having fun havent I???
Have more to share..
won a giveaway and made something little for a friend ...
and survived this years 
Potatoe Picking!!!


  1. Welcome back. Glad that you survived your adventure. Lovely gifts.

  2. Carrie is very special indeed. You received a wonderful always do. Enjoy!

  3. Wow, what a wonderful generous friend. Remember to show us all what you create from that yummy wool.

  4. Potatoe picking, really? Great package!

  5. Hey, the crushed walnut shells made it through customs. Remember when we talked about whether they would be allowed through?

  6. Carrie wrote a lovely note. Enjoy the wool and other lovely gifts.

  7. Doesn't Blogland generate a lot of lovely goodies in the mail?
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  8. What a lovely package. I know you will create some beautiful things. I look forward to seeing what you make.

  9. A wonderful package! So generous of Carrie! I'm sure it brought you a lot of joy!! Now I'm curious about what you have made for your friend!

  10. Awesome package...Bet you mailman loves you!! your haouse keeps him in business!

  11. Hallo, Stina, What a nice note and presents you've got. Wonderful!!!
    Quiltgreetings, Cisca

  12. What a beautiful and generous gift from Carrie. I can see you having lots of fun making some wonderful projects with all that glorious wool.


  13. Underbara tyger...dessa skulle vara trevliga och se/känna på "irl" men det kanske man får göra framöver...

  14. Oh what a lovely sure do get a lot of those :) Can't wait to see what you won!!

  15. Good to hear that you got the potatos in. I'm behind with blogging too don't worry. And emails and housework but the less said about housework the better.

    Ooo wools! I hope you have a lot of fun with them. I can recommend Sue Spargo and Cinnamon Patch.

  16. Stina,
    Oh didn't know those walnut shells could be an issue with customs!!
    Guess its all good though!
    I'm happy you enjoyed your gift, have some fun girl.



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