
October 3, 2009

Can you put up with another post about my trip....

Hope so...:o)
I do it anyway...
Such sweet memories!!  ;o)

Still have lots of photos from the shop

Do you think I was in real trouble getting here...???
Im just sorry that Norway is an expensive country to shop in...
Otherwise it might have been a lot more shopping..:o)

Think I dived in to the repro fabrics...hmmm
It will be a surprise..
Still haven't packed up my treasures from Norway...
Today it will happen...
Oh I long..:o)
almost like

Temptations all over....
Think I show pictures of some nice people
 I met instead...
Take a look at Sølvis box with DMC..
Just like candy!!! :o)

Fun to get a face to some bloggers..
So I caught you on picture Oddbjørg.... :o)
Marianne is going to have a lovely version of
Gails  Laila´s Garden...
nice browns, pink and greens....

My IDOL photos.... :o)
I said to my son when I got home and had posted my pictures
 on the header... of me and Leanne and Gail..
that this was meeting was as if he had met Rafael Nadal!!!
-NAH!!! he said... :o)
-Yes I said...
Still think "Rafa" had been better ...he

More pictures from the shop....

Just lovely!!! :o)

still have some more pictures...
will post later..
and ohhhh....
it seems like it has been on TV in Norway...
So take a look..
and pheew..Im glad I was cut out of the


  1. Oh you might be in for a surprise... this was on the news, and I think it will air on "Norge Rundt" a little later. And that should be a bit longer.... You might just be in there....
    Love your pictures!

  2. you think so... oh

  3. That was a nice little TV-show.I
    did see the back of you though, you were not cut out! Can't wait to see more.
    I love all of your photos. It's almost like being there again!

  4. Wow Stina, Great photos, lots of gorgeous eye candy!!

  5. Stina, I am thoroughly enjoying all of your photos. I feel so envious, it is so obvious what an absolutely wonderful time you had.

  6. Such a fun time you all had. It was interesting listening to your national language. Oh and yes I did see the back of you standing there:))

  7. Nydelige bilder du har tatt. Tror dere hadde det kjempefint. Det var artig å se filmsnutten. Ha en fin og kreativ helg. Mona

  8. Your blue top is very pretty. A good color for you. I should explain that I mean what you are wearing in your photo!

  9. Oh, you managed to get me in print! :-))
    Yes, it was a wonderful weekend, and I enjoyed to meet people with the same interests. At the moment I'm working on the Christmas wallhanging.
    Have a nice wekend!

  10. I'm not bored hearing about your trip...not one bit!!!

    I love to see all the pictures and the television news clip as well.

    It looks like you are all having so much fun. Your photo journey is awesome, Stina. And I love Viktor's comparison to Raffa. You can tell where his first love lies...with a tennis ball and not a sewing machine! Good for him!

  11. Stina what a wonderful trip you had!! I just returned from mine and your pictures are all lovely! I am particularly in love with the picture of the quilt on the bottom of your collage to the left called Quilte Garden. I have to find that one!

  12. Oh WOW. I want to go to that shop too. Well, I can dream! Love the pink quilt and the Kitten's Tale. Glad there are more photos to look forward to.

  13. I have enjoyed all the pics of your trip! I'm trying hard not to let the little green monster take! I'm glad you had a fantastic trip and thanks for sharing.

  14. What a great shop and so glad you had a fantastic time you TV star !

  15. Hei - er det greit om jeg stjeler noen bilder herfra og legger i bloggen til quiltegården?

  16. Looks like a wonderful day...loved seeing the video...but I have to ask about the moose and the fig leaf..just what was THAT all about :o)



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

- - -XOX- - -