
October 11, 2009

My week at home...

I spent organizing...
in the sewing room..
I had things all over..
Sorry no BEFORE
It took all week.. since I had to rest all the time.. but
I got it done..
so I can finally have place for the sewing machine and the cutting mats!!!
I love it..
its a comfy space where I can sit and relax and just enjoy
my things..
Some wishes are...
is to have white ceiling... and more walls!!!
Got my blocks from Norway up on the design wall..
and I have almost finished the top this weekend...
Pictures will come... :o)
Just needed to call Louise for help on deciding on the border!!
Funny ... 
 debating on to take that one or that one.. isnt funny doing all alone...
and when talking to Louise..
everything comes to place! 
Thanks for your input my friend!!! :o)

Ok.. more pictures from my room..
little things to be inspired from...
at least I think so..

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend..
some I know have sewed on mysteries..
some just sewed.. some don't...
some maybe relaxed..
and all of that sounds just fine to me...

Have to try to work tomorrow..
back still not good...
so it will be exciting...
up on the bike tomorrow.. in minus degrees...
See you later...


  1. Loved having a peek at your special sewing hollow. Take it easy back out there tomorrow...need no more injuries.

  2. Your sewing room is so pretty! And Ooooh I love your ceiling. That is just my style! Lots of fun projects going on in your sewing room, I see :o) Hope your back is 100% soon. Take care!

  3. Hello Stina, Your sewing room looks so nice and inviting and a great place to be, on the other hand, mine looks like a bomb went off. I have piles of things in different stages to finish for christmas.I am glad to hear your back is better. Hugs Debbie

  4. thats is a lovely room, we are lucky to have space for our hobbies,aren't we?


  5. Your sewing room is lovely, Stina. I spent yesterday tidying up as well and I always feel inspired when it is neat and clean.

    Glad you're feeling better.

  6. Hello, I have been visiting your blog ofr awhile now and never left a comment ( shy). But today I am because I send you best wishes for the recovery of your back and I just love your sewing room! Now I am going to mine to see what I can do to pretty it up. Thank you for the inspiration

  7. Stina, I love your sewing room, everything in its place and so organized.
    Couldn't imagine getting on a bike with my back hurting. Hope you get better soon.
    Keep Stitchen'

  8. Trivelig arbeidsplass. Håper ryggen snart blir bra - ta det litt med ro!
    Ha en fin høstdag.

  9. That sounds far too cold for me! I love your sewing space and the lovely flower blocks on the wall.

  10. Hello your sewing room looks lovely and warm and welcoming I have enjoyed my visit Linda from the antique textile world

  11. What a wonderful room you have! So nice and soft. You must feel lovely there and find lots of peace!

  12. Maybe you'd like to come and do my room, it's a MESS, love the spools with the ric rac.

  13. I want to come over a sew with you! Your sewing room is lovely!!

  14. You are so welcome! :)
    I'm so jealous of your room.... even if (no, I don't mean when!) I clean up my mess in my room it will never look as good and inviting as yours. Oh well, we all have our crosses to bear!
    Have a good week!

  15. Hi Stina! You're sewing studio is just so cozy! You must spend many happy hours there!

  16. So sorry to hear your back is not feeling better but your sewing room sure does look nice. Take it easy and get better.

  17. I know you have a wonderful sewingroom and I even know that I always sleep very well there too ;-)

    Take care of you and your family!

  18. Stina, your sewing room is so nice. I have been tryng to do mine for a while now but still haven't finished. How do you decide on where to put everything? I spend a lot of time looking at it and thinking where I will put things. Any tips?

  19. What a gorgeous sewing room Stina. I hope you get loads of inspiration from working in it -it makes a lovely Santa's workshop space. :-)

  20. I love your new quilting space - it looks like a happy place to stitch *s*

  21. Thanks for the mini tour of your sewing space Stina! It looks like a good place to have some fun! I really like the idea of hanging those spools:)

  22. Your sewing studio is darling! Love it -- and I can sure see why you are so inspired! There is creativity oozing from every corner!

  23. It's beautiful Stina! And OhMyGosh -- I LOVE those adorable posy blocks to the left of your door!!!

  24. You look so organised in your fabulous room. I havent got myself that organised yet, but will do after I master this new machine.

  25. Your sewing area is fabulous. Love all your little inspirational things. Hope your back is feeling better soon.

  26. Wow! your sewing room is gorgeous! I'm just in the process of having one built...So pleased I found your blog! Lisa

  27. What fun photos of your sewing room! It looks light and airy and lovely! I should do a collage of mine as a joke! Help! I am drowning!



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