
April 19, 2010

Quick hello from me...

Just a little quick note from me
so you see I am focusing and trying to get some finishes here..:o)
 All four quilts are quilted and prepared with binding...
no excuse to not have them finish soon then..:o)
I want to say an extra thank you to Mary at Quilt Hollow 
for giving me advice... 
Some days this just drove me nuts!!!

Have one more to quilt... 
but it have to wait.. 
neck and shoulder was about to have enough of the static work...

So I started to  mess up the sewing room  even more....
 Lots of old table cloths and old towels
were cut into pieces...
And yes.. Some of you might recognize the pattern.....
it is this months Schnibble Tagalong...
And this time I did it again... 
adopted the pattern for my needs and made the blocks larger...
and eventually it will be something for the exhibition..:o)

On the sick front..
I am better... not quite super duper well.. but Ok...
was about to go to work today..but..
Viktor is sick... 
When calling in to work.. I couldnt do anything else than laugh...
(thanks boss for your understanding)
 What to do.. 
nothing... at all....
Just get well and long for summer..:o) 


  1. Underbara arbeten :) Det är så härligt att se dig har fått en sådan energi och allt går med en rasande fart..Hoppas att den håller i sig länge för dig :)

    Kram till er alla från oss

  2. Love the recycling. The stack of quilts are beautiful...can't wait to see them unfolded:)Have you seen any of the volcano stufF?

  3. You have been super busy, Love the recycled quilt. Looking forward to the big reveal of all your work.

  4. what for wonderful quilts with lovely colours- very, very nice!!!
    thank for the dreamest-pictures!!!
    lovly greetings sent angela

  5. the photos of your quilts looks wonderful. The tea towel blocks look fantastic too, dying to see the finished product.

    I think you and Viktor are sending your germs back and forwards to each other!!!!

  6. Quiltebilde ditt øverst på bloggen var bare hærlig (yummy).
    Skal si du har vært flittig med maskinquiltingen, lekkert.

    klem hk

  7. You have been busy. I admire your lovely quilts. I hope Viktor feels better soon.

  8. Wow, you've been a very busy girl. I can't wait to see what you've done. Love the idea of recycling for your Tagalong Schnibbles quilt. :-)

  9. Using the towels, etc. looks interesting. I saw the initials on the one block. I am anxious to see your piece all put together.

  10. I love the idea of recycling.

    Your Tagalong is looking wonderful too.

    Glad you are feeling a little better.

  11. I'm with everybody else and liking that recycling quilt!
    Good job on all that quilting YOU! Told you...I knew did it!! (I've still got to get the pink bits together....)

  12. Those quilties look quite pretty from this view.. can't wait to see them! Your poor family... you all have had WAY more than your share of the icky sickies! I feel bad for you :o( Summer needs to come fast!

  13. Hi Stina,
    As you say bring on summer and warmer weather. Sounds like you are in need of it and Viktor too. Well done on the quilting front, can't wait to see what you are doing with your recycling. Hope the volcanic ash isn't causing you too much trouble.

  14. I am loving the new projects you have been working so hard on! They look beautiful and I especially love the tea towels and tablecloths given a new life!

  15. You've been busy! Love the blocks you have made with the recycle towels..very pretty.

    Hope you are both feeling better soon.

  16. Loks like you've been very busy. The recycled quilt looks great.

  17. you have been a busy little that pile of quilts, can we get a bigger peek?
    hope that everyone is all better very've had your fair share this year!
    take care

  18. Well, at least you are feeling better Stina. Looks like you're making great progress for your show too!

  19. Stina you have been very busy..they all look so lovely...

  20. Beautiful finishes, please show us later! I love your recycling, it looks fresh!

  21. Love the recycled blocks. They look great.

    It's great that you have just some bindings to sew on so many quilts -just a final push and they will be done.

    Glad you are feeling a lot better.

  22. You have been really busy and I love the recycled quilt. I have a stack of linens just waiting. Aprons and quilting projects lined up on my list. You do beautiful quilting. Can't wait to see them all.

  23. Oh poor Victor, he is having a rough time, get better soon. I love that you get so much done with your schedule,I can't wait for your final reveal, you know, the big Ta Da moment.

  24. What a fun way to use table clothes and dish towels. Hope Viktor is feeling better soon.

  25. I LOVE the tablecloth quilt! I think I could cut up a few of my own, this seems to be a better use for them now! So pretty, I need to see if I have Tagalong, but I like your larger block version better. Your completed quilts are to be admired. Sweet progress! Hope Viktor is feeling well, that both of you will be good as new soon. Spring will come and then the lazy days of summer to dream about.

  26. Your quilts look fabulous while they wait to be bound. I love doing that part as I know then that they are definately going to be finished. On to the next one! Hope you get well real soon and are back to lots of energy and health :)

  27. Stina,

    you have accomplished A LOT! The quilting is beautiful as always.

    Can't wait to see MORE :0)


    BTW-Mary at Quilt Hollow is the best :0) Oh and I hope that everyone feels better soon!

  28. Wow! You go, girl!!
    What gorgeous quilts!
    I love the way they look, all stacked up on one another!!
    Have a great weekend!



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