
May 30, 2010

Hello again..:o)

 Well I promised to be back didn´t I??? :o)

With some pictures from our weekend together...
Marica and I...
So sorry that the other girls couldn´t make it.. we missed you...
maybe next time we can be all five of us!!

Check out Maricas blogpost from the weekend  here and here

Oh oh Marica... sewing it was... NO
I know.. you did some researching...
at least you said so..:o)

She is excused.. she worked hard with her lovely little purses...
Both with the first one... with a pattern that wasn´t correct... 
and with the second one....
The second one is sooooo CUTE..:o)

Think I will have to try to make one... :o)
After that she started to sew on a Tilda doll...

Meanwhile I sewed my little patches together... and sewed on the borders....
working with the lovely fabric line
Nicey Jane...

While I sewed she started to plan next weeks project...

So be sure to see to that she sews some...
because I really want to see this one finished...
It will be wonderful...

Ok.. and what did I actually sew on this weekend....

My Schnibble of course!!!! :o)

This time I chose the pattern 
Hot Cross..
it was our choice this month... and I have had this pattern for some time
 and just waited for the right time and place..
and now it was...the right time and place...

My Schnibble this month...
...Summer Cross...

Decided to sew on the quilt all weekend.. 
so while Marica still was here.. I prepared it for quilting..
but never in my life I thought I would finish it today..
But I did...:o)

It is all quilted and bound... 
Will share a picture of the quilt tomorrow...
it was too bad light in the sewing room when I was finished... 
so I will take a new picture and show... 

What a wonderful weekend..
couldnt have had a better one..
Thanks for the company Marica!!!

New week coming up..
Capacity building at work with 
Design Education...
wonder how this will go... 
10 weeks with designing... 
Well well.. 
this is what I do at work...
 so I guess it wont be so much trouble..just a lot of fun!!

 See you...
(and oh it was fun to make a blogpost again... actually two in a


  1. I really want your blog often- not just once a while- just to see all lovely projects and I wish you good luck with your show-
    Love,Louise D

  2. Everything is fabulous. You and Marica were very productive. your Schnibble is adorable, Stina.

  3. Thanks for a wonderful week with lots of funs and good company :)

  4. French General fabric makes me drool! I need to decide on what to make and order some.

  5. sounds like you had a real fun weekend!

  6. Love your quilt Stina and Marica's little purses a cute too. Glad you had a great weekend full of sewing.

  7. Seems you two had a productive and fun weekend. And you also got a lot done! Pretty quilt Stina! and Marica's purses are darling!

  8. Love love your Summer Cross!

  9. Your Summer Cross is wonderful, really love this fabric ! Hugs

  10. Your Schnibble is Glad you had a Fun & Productive weekend....I felt the

  11. Dere må ha storkost dere i helga. Det er så gøy å ha noen å sy sammen med. Skulle ønske jeg kunne ha kommet og kikket på utstillinga di, men håper du tar bilder fra den så vi også får se.

  12. Looks like a very productive weekend for both, everything looks great.

  13. Your hot cross looks great. I like how it is mostly white with the splashes of white.

  14. hi stina!!!
    great to hear from you, look that you spent a nice time with your friend :)
    I love the red colours in the quilt
    big hug

  15. So glad you were able to pop back to blogland for a your Summer Crosses, so pretty.

  16. Hejsan!
    Oj så härlig helg ni haft det. Vilka fina saker ni gjort till varann och trevligt ser ni ut att ha...jag är riktigt avundsjuk ;o))
    Produktiviteten ser ut att ha flödat...Lycka till med allt och bamsekram från Kristina i Arjeplog

  17. Stina, so glad to pop over and read your post. I've been away and had to check to see if you had written. Love the quilt you worked on, but that little jar below is precious. Gotta remember that one.

  18. Your Schnibble is beautiful! I made the same pattern, too! And I named it "Wating for the summer"! What a lovely little purse your friend made.



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

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