
July 25, 2010

Home Alone....

Tennis competitions in Skellefteå.... and the Guys are camping IN the car... 
and NO room for me.. so they left me at home... all by myself... 
at least on Friday.... :o)
because on Saturday evening Petra and her boyfriend moved in here temporarily...
Just until they find an apartment of their own..
So Happy for Petra to have found Jimmy...
he really is the THE guy for her!!!

(Just hope they find an apartment 
no offense.. I love her.. but....not all her stuff!!)

Ok.. I think I will take a break in showing the last room from exhibition ... 
Tomorrow I will go and visit Mum and Dad... for some days... 
and hopefully both my brothers...

But promise to post when I come back!!

Last month I sewed like crazy and with 48 finishes.... 
I had a big chance of being a winner in OPAM...
and I did win..:o)))

This is what I found in my mailbox ...
Kris was the one this time to put the package together...
Thankyou  so much... :o)

 Friday and Saturday.. I spent like this...
and working in my sewing room... 

and I think I have made all the no no ´s a girl can make when making this months Schnibble.. wont even bother you with them all.. but lets say... it wasn´t fun!!!

But late late last night I had some kind of a square finished... 
and hopefully it will be a quilttop done by the day!!!

See you..and HUGS!!


  1. Hej Stina,

    I hope you didn't feel abandoned - you sure did occupy yourself with delicious, relaxing & stitch-y things...
    Congrats to your OPAM win! Wow, 48 finishes? What's your secret? Did you 'elf-napped' Santas helpers *g*? No, seriously: WOW, that's amazing.
    'Dream On' is yummy...can't wait to get my hands on some of these fabrics...
    Hugs & have a wonderful Sunday,

  2. Stina it is time for you to relax, make the most of the time home alone.

  3. It's definitely time for you to relax! Well deserved win!

    Enjoy visiting your family.

  4. You definitely deserve a few days off. Hope you have fun visiting with your parents.

  5. enjoy your quiet time......I see a little GJ stitching.........



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

- - -XOX- - -