
August 5, 2010

Back to the show... :o)

and the Yellow Room....

In this room I decided to have a quilts with a little bit more colour... 
well....have in mind Stina colours...:o))
Some you might have seen...some may not... 
And I´ll show them anyway!!!

 ok.. first corner... I hung three little quilts made from a pattern made by 
Cheri Saffiote Payne

"Bless your Heart 1"

"Faith, Hope and Love"

These three quilts is some of my very favorite quilts...
they just are..:o)
Always makes me smile when I hang them...

"Bless Your Heart 2"

Next to these... 
I hung another quilt made from a pattern by Leanne Beasley

"A Quilters Journey"

 Another favorite...
And everything written is so true!!
Thanks Leanne for designing  such wonderful quilts for us!!

In a basket on the floor I had my  quilt made in browns, creme and pink...
Pattern from a Swedish Designer Tyger & Ting

"Old Love"

 Of course I had to have my little Punch Needle pictures at the show that I made for my Mom and Dad... for their 70th birthdays....

"Needle Punch Pictures"

Pictures drawn by my son Viktor and punch needled by me.. 
another fun mother and son project...  :o)

And my first quilt made out of a Leanne Beasley pattern... 

"Leanne´s House"

This quilt gave me such joy to make and it was with a lot of hesitation I had it out for sale... but I am so happy to have it sold to a wonderful woman in Scotland...
Hope she will find it as pretty in her home or at her granddaughters...
Just need to fix the label for her..;O))
(Note to me.. DO IT!! )

It is just.. that I need to make myself a new one!!!  :o))

Well that will have to be all from me tonight.
am a little bit tired.. no not a bit... VERY... 
not fully recovered from my flu and last night I thought 
we were going to have to build an ark... dont know how much rain that came in the storm last night.. but it was a LOT!!!
And the thunder... gosh.. I couldnt sleep a wink!!

So see you..



  1. More beauties, Stina. I love the ones you made using Cheri Saffiote's patterns - they are adorable. I made A Quilter's Journey but have yet to make Leanne's House. Maybe that should be a new self challenge.

  2. I can see that Viktor too is talented. I really couldn't choose a favourite. I love everything you do, just keep doing it Stina. Hope you are feeling better.

  3. your exhibition has been wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to share it with us...
    cheers Julz

  4. So much more beautiful work. I don't know how you were able to part with your quilt, but as you say, now it will be loved by someone in Scotland. You must be so pleased with how your exhibition went. It was all gorgeous.

  5. You're so talented Stina, you'll definitely have to make another Leanne's House Quilt. That was the very first quilt that inspired me to take up this hobby!!

  6. I love that Leanne's House pattern. That one is definitely on my to do list.

    What a gorgeous display of your work, Stina. I'm sooooo proud of you!

  7. Another beautiful group, I don't know how you were able to part with that sampler quilt either. I love the needle puncj pictures even more that I know you son drew the pictures.

  8. Love it Love it Love it Love it!!!!!

  9. The ways these projects were displayed really accents their prettiness.

  10. What an inviting room. Love the soft colors. Viktor's designs are adorable! The chickens are my favorite.

  11. Thanks for more beautiful pics.
    All quilts are delightful.I enjoy everyone.
    Louise D

  12. Thanks again for sharing, Stina! Your work is exquisite and inspiring!! I look forward to seeing your creations!

  13. Leanne's House is such a beautiful quilt, how can you bare to part with it?

  14. Sooo beautiful! Your work is simply gorgeous :o)

  15. Where have you been hiding?
    I just saw your blogg for the first time. It is fantastic showing a lot of creativity. THanks for all the inspiration --- I'll be back soon :O)

  16. Stina,
    You do really lovely work- I love the title of your beautiful quilt- A Quilter's journey- Aren't we all on a quilting journey..
    The lady in Scotland has one beautiful wallhanging to hang in her home. Perhaps you will get a chance to make it again.
    My friend Nancy sent me to your blog- I will have to come and visit you again.
    Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,


  17. What fabulous things you have made to decorate with. You inspire me. I need to get to work!

  18. Stina...sooo beautiful! I especially love your 'journey...' quilt.
    Can't believe you could part with the Leanne's House BOM' quilt...the new owner must be so happy.
    Hugs, Julia

  19. Liker opp ned hjerte i bless your heart. Masse lekkert på bloggen din :-) Ønsker deg en god helg.

  20. Bare en ting å si om utstillinga di: Fantastisk!
    Ha ei fin helg!

  21. Gorgeous quilts...every one is so beautiful!
    You are so brave to send one of your amazing creations out into the world...I'm sure it will bring great joy to the new owner!

  22. Så mye fint du har laget. Leannes house har jeg også laget og er veldig glad i den quilten. Likte spesielt din "Joy Luck" quilt. ;o)

  23. Stina, I wonder if you are interested in selling your Quilter's Journey pattern, if you wouldn't be using it again, and I wonder how much you would want for it?

  24. All beautiful. Don't think I could have parted with the Leanne's House quilt. You'll have to make another for you to keep.



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