
August 11, 2010

Winter White Schnibble done...
just a few months
This one was supposed to be finished in September.. If I am not completely wrong...
but better late than never... 

Decided to sew with a Rural Jardin charm pack that I got as a gift from my friend Pat 
(thanks once again...:o)
and since I just had one charm I had to add with what I had in my stash... 
old shirts and a curtain had to go in this one..:o))

But now to the quilting...
What to do ...
Thought this one were going to be nicest with some handquilting.. but since I cant do that... I thought of trying my stitches at my sewing machine.. and try the monofilament thread and the fake handquilting seam..:o)

Tried this once.. and I wasnt that fond of it...but one can change ... or maybe not...
well suggestions and thoughts ..


  1. What a beautiful quilt! I love the blue and white border! It really sets off the piecing! :0)

  2. Oh, it turned out just beautifully! I think I'll have to make another Winter White with the left overs from my mother's quilt...some time...;o)
    Love how the old shirts and the curtains blend in so perfectly.
    As to the quilting...hmmm...difficult...
    I totally agree that hand quilting would be great - even a big stitch quilting with red and/or blue perle cotton. I think your idea is the next best thing...
    Hugs, Julia

  3. Beautiful quilt, personally, I detest monofiliment unless you're fishing or something.....Would rather see uneven quilting stitches sewn with love than cold ole nylon thread!

  4. It is just gorgeous! Love your colors.

  5. Absolutely love the quilt , I really want to try one of these schnibble quilts.I vote against monofilament as well , just not a fan of that thread and there is nothing quite like hand quilting .

  6. I think I would wait until you can do it justice with some handquilting rather than do some machine quilting that you aren't totally happy with. Whatever you decide I am sure you will make it look great. Hope you are feeling better.
    Love Shirley.x

  7. I love this--- Red in one of your projects!! great job.... And my Heart beats for the gingham borders...

  8. It is just beautiful! You did a wonderful job!

  9. Hi Stina, I love your new Schnibbles - the fabrics look fantastic. I have enjoyed scrolling back through your previous posts, looking at all your wonderful quilts. You are so clever!

  10. Hi Your quilt turned out beautifully. The colours from your charm pac sure complemented the ones from your stash.

  11. Hi Stina, Really pretty!! I would definitely do some machine quilting with cotton thread. I am not one for monofilament. If you are going to go with one color, go with white.

  12. Oh Stina, what a delightful quilt! I have been enjoying catching up with you... You have certainly been busy.
    I am not a machine quilter, so I can't really say much...
    But I LOVE the soft palette... :)

  13. I think it is just gorgeous, Stina!

  14. You've done a fantastic's wonderful! I don't care for the fake hand quilt stitch on the machine. What about just making swirls?

  15. Gorgeous...I just love love love this Rural Jardine fabric range...I have no suggestions for the quilting, I'm not good at the quilting pattern bit but whatever you do I'm sure it will be stunning.

  16. It's another beauty, Stina.

    I would love to see it hand quilted but because there are so many seams, that's what makes it difficult and why I decided to have my one-and-only Schnibbles machine quilted. Whatever you decide I'm sure will only add to it's beauty.

  17. It's beautiful, Stina! Any way you quilt it will just add to its beauty.



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