
September 14, 2010

Potatoes.. and no sewing...

Just a little sign of life from me... 
still here.. but no sewing around here.. so no pictures of that.. 
Neck is better but not good.. been to the doctor...
Moms orders... ;o) to check my blood pressure.. it was OK..:O)
Still headaches.. and they will be better when neck is ok.. 
so that is what it is!!
Enough of that..
Last weekend we went to Arjeplog for the Yearly Event

The Potato Picking...
And this year every thing worked just like that.. in a blink everything was up...

Friends and Family  joined all I think we were
19 people... :o)
No I didnt pick one single potato...
I cooked..:o)

Fun with all the cousins... 
all my brothers kids were there...
(while some parents enjoyed themselves in Rome, Italy...:o))

The kids had so much fun.. they were dirty.. but so what.. :o))

Upcoming weekend.. first date with my Craft and Design class in Kalix...
We will felt and dye yarn...
It will be lots of fun..:o))


  1. hi stina, i hope you are feeling better. when you are a quilter its hard when you can't pick it up. i know. i have a broken wrist and a badly sprained left hand. i had a bad fall. so here's to a speedy recovery....

  2. Sorry to hear you are still suffering with your's hard to feel like doing anything when you are in pain...Hope you feel better real soon...we've missed you.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. Sounds like a fun day. I do hope that neck is better soon.

  5. Continue to take care of yourself and you'll be better very soon.

  6. It's a bummer that you still not 100%! Sending you feel better wishes.

  7. Stina, so good to hear from you but I'm so sorry your still not feeling well. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Please take good care of yourself. Hugs coming to you my 'friend in Sweden'...

  8. I am so glad that you at last went to the doctor and all is well. Take time. The new class sounds like good fun and I shall look forward to a progress report. Don't you just love watching children having fun - no cares in the world.
    Love Shirley.xx

  9. Hope your neck improves soon ... no fun for you. I'm having trouble with my back at the moment but at least I can stitch. Take care.

  10. I hope your neck improves real quick and your headaches go away too. Its no fun being sick ....take care....hugs Vicki

  11. I hope you feel better soon. What a lovely family you have. Hugs.

  12. Stina, your Mom was right on checking your blood preasure, that is what caused me to get headaches all the time, but no more. I hope you get better soon and I can't wait to see the pictures from your class.
    Always love seeing your family together, ya look so close and fun.

  13. sorry to hear you are not completely well yet but I am glad your were able to enjoy your time out.
    Get better quickly. Take care of yourself. Hugs!

  14. I was sorry to hear about your neck Stina, get better soon. I can remember the potatoes last year, that came around fast again.



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