
October 15, 2010

Among the crazy things we do...:o))

But first....
something that lovely friends DO!!!!

Sending lovely gifts... 

First from my new found and wonderful Friend and Quilter..
Gudrun in Sweden...
Sorry folks.. this wonderful and talented quilter doesn´t have a blog.. but she ought to have one.. told her so.. she does amazing stuff!!! :o)

Lovely tapes!!!
 Je suis heureux.... just wonderful:..O)

I´m just that... :o)

And EARLIER this autumn... 
Super Duper Quilter
( she has a heart of gold!!)
 sent me these wonderful patterns....
Love them!!

Thankyou so much Karen... :o))

ANd now on to the crazy things I do!!!!!

I am doing Butterfly Garden one more time!!!
And THAT is CRAZY!!!! :o)

Yepp.. I know it.. I am crazy.. 
BUT... :o))
Havent sold mine.. nope.. so I am making  this one 
to someone who loved it so much this summer!!!

This one will be more green.. I hope.. and will change a few blocks...
so let some crazy sewing begin!!

This weekend.. 
it is schoolwork...
batik dyeing..and printing on fabric...

Good part is that no fever is rushing through my body right now...
just a little sore throat...
so I hope it will be a good Saturday 
with printing and dyeing!!!

See you... :o)


  1. Hallo Stina,
    wunderschöne Bänder hast du da bekommen, auch die Muster sind sehr schön und du wirst sicher etwas tolles daraus machen.
    Viel Spaß am Wochenende und liebe Grüße nach Schweden

  2. Hej sweetie!
    Eeeek, you're doing the BG again??? OMG, that IS crazy...but gorgeous! Can't wait to see the proceedings...
    Do you want to make a third for me, pretty please *lol*?
    Hugs, Julia
    (p.s. if you need help to translate the above comment, just ask...I'll be happy to help)

  3. How very nice of your friends to send you such pretty goodies.



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

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