
October 25, 2010

Hello there...

I´m still around...:o)
Still having this
€€%&%€#"&/!! Virus flu...
Slowly getting better...:o)

Well well.....thats life!
What have happened here then...

Hmmm... this have been going on....

Can you guess???

Thats right.. 
I have had the best company and best helper in the world
 in my sewingroom...

Viktor have worked really hard... colour after colour....
and winded the DMC threads on bobbins...
So so happy for this...
Just a few left now ...
but he is finding threads at lots of different places.. 
(wonder why? lol)
 so now he is "treasure hunting" for more thread to wind...;o)

Thankyou Viktor... for the help and the company...
Think it helped me sew ..
because this morning I finished all the blocks for Butterfly Garden...

Well... the stitcheries are still there to stitch...
but it will be good to have while watching TV..:O))

We have struggled a bit Zonnie ( my machine) and I ...
but we have learned to know each other...
a little bit better..
some things I like...some things I dont!!

But more on that later... :o)

Time for TEA!!


  1. Oh Stina -- your butterfly garden is going to be gorgeous! I'm hoping to see LeeAnn and her gorgeous creations at market this week.

  2. Butterfly Garden is beautiful, Stina!

    Viktor has been a good helper.

    Feel better soon.

  3. Underbart vackert och det är sant att själen mår bra av en stund i trädgården ,åtminstone min ,kram Nette

  4. It's great to have company in the sewing room. He was helpful too. :-)

  5. Winding the DMC on bobbins!!!...what a good idea. My threads are like a birds nest!

  6. Hi Stina...What a wonderful helper!! and so handsome too ;-) your butterfly garden the fabrics and color are just precious...

    Have a wonderful week...

    God Bless,


  7.'ve been sick way too much! If there were a magical potion I'd send it your way!! Always enjoy popping in on you to see what beautiful things you have going!

  8. Stina, I hope you feel better soon.
    Your butterfly quilt is lovely...pastels are such happy colors. I have to share with you this to share with your good helper Viktor: my word verification is wingiess and its in red so made me think of Viktor liking my Detroit Red Wings :-)

  9. What a sweet helper you have :) Beautiful the stitching!
    I'm glad you're getting better...hope it goes faster though :) Take care of yourself!

  10. Great Job Victor on getting all those threads done for you...Your Butterfly Quilt is Gorgeous & Hope you are feeling Better Soon.

  11. Oh I'm going to have to get that pattern, I love your colour choices! Can I borrow your helper, my craft room is a mess!!

  12. Still sick? Oh no! Hope you are 100% soon! I would love to read a post about Zonnie.

    Love the quilt, and the helper!

  13. Send Vicktor to me. I have lots of thread to wind.
    I sure hope you get over your sickness soon.

  14. Stina...How beautiful you are doing on this quilt! I am going to be tackling this quilt soon. My colors will be bold. Hope it turns out as well!

  15. I hope you are feeling better soon Stina! I wish I had a wonderful helper like you have by your side:)

  16. Your quilt turned out just lovely. Love the photos of the thread all over. Good Job Viktor!

  17. herlig at du oversatte teksten i dette mønsteret til svensk!
    Godt jobbet, det ser nydelig ut!

  18. Oh wow. Another Butterly Garden quilt ... and gorgeous too. I have borrowed the patterns from a friend and hope to start after Christmas ... fun.
    What a great helper Viktor is ... he can visit me any time he likes. (and bring his Mum too.)



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

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so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

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