
January 7, 2011

It was cold....

 - 37 C ( -35 F)  one night... brrrr...but 
despite that we had a fantastic time at my parents!!
Days just flew by..and suddenly it was time for us to go home... 
just like that...
12 days just said ...SWWWIIISSSSCCCHHHHH.... :o)

Hope you can stand  lots of photos....
here it comes...
The trip to Arjeplog... 
way long at least Viktor thought...  I slept some...:o)
(pictures from the car )

but finally there it showed up in a lovely sunset...

*...Christmas Eve came...*

we celebrated the day at my Brothers house...
with lots of 
and the nicest company of all... family!
Christmas food always to long for .. and it tasted as always
...soo good!!! :o)
Santa came...
a fast one this year....stress must have caught the Santas too..:o)

You can see the knitted wristlet warmers I made to Linda
 in Green Alpacka wool in the picture above... :o)

I had some packages too... 
from lovely friends....

Opened up Louise´s first...
And Ahhh.. is all I can say..
Can you see  the PINK and Pretty 
little wallhanging she made using 
Cheri Saffiote Paynes  free pattern!!!

It´s wonderful!! 
Thankyou Louise!
And there was more...

Fabrics from Lyn .. from 
Rosalie Quinlans first range of fabrics...
"Grandmothers Flower Garden..." 
Missed out on it... so these are 
cherished belongings now!!!

Thanks Lyn...!!

And my Dear friend Åsa.. had lovely gifts for me...
But Viktor really thought she had given me catfood...
 so he needed to check out the empty box too..:o))

Thankyou Åsa 
for all the wonderful 
Christmas presents...!!

A lovely Christmas Eve spent with Family..
and I think everyone felt they had been nice this year too..

Rested a few days ..and then Petra and her boyfriend Jimmy came...
( no 
and then it was time for the BIG Wii- Contest ...

New games that Viktor had in Santas sack...
Wii Party and Slap shot was played to everyones amusement!

A few more into the games than

Then one evening..something "exciting" happened... 
lots of an engine... and lights all over the farm house...
(And I mean this.. my Mum and Dad lives out in the nowhere.. 
no lights at all.. no other houses... just alone...
so the light show and the sounds were a bit odd...:o)

we all rushed out in -25C  (-13F) no outer clothing ... and gosh.. 
a helicopter was hoovering all over the place...
-what I thought.. bankrobbers... the police... ???
(too many movies I think...;o)

But a helicopter it was.. and it emergency landed right there on the farm..
big eyes from Viktor!!!
So out in the cold with camera!!! ;o)
and more photos in the morning..:o))
This is the talk of this years Christmas... :o)

Had one day out.. otherwise we were mostly inside...

by the fire and played games and just had 
a very nice time with family!!!
So nice to catch up with oldest daughter a bit...
today she is traveling back to the south of Sweden again... :o(

*...New Year...*
spent with my brothers family ..until we had to go home ..
a little calf was to be born... so the cow needed to be looked for.

We melted tin this year too... 
and prophesied how the new year would be...
A bit of fun.. 
 I always gets boats... 
every year.. and still I havent been on a boat somewhere.. 
maybe this year..:o))

So this is what I have been up to....
Hope you all have had a wonderful time with your families...
and have started out the New Year with good hopes...

I sure have..
I even tidied up in the sewing room yesterday..
and have one little quilt ready for quilting...
mended Viktors Heating Bunny today...
hopefully I´m back with some 
quilting pictures soon!!!

Love from me


  1. I loved reading this and seeing all of your wonderful photos. The tin melting is something I'd not heard of before. Happy New Year!

  2. Gott Nytt År och ett stort tack för gångna årets alla härliga inlägg med bilder .Bilderna från Arjeplog är helt fantastisk.Den rosa lilla kvilten var också så söt.Alla dina fina julklappar är så fina.Visst är det härligt med byte och med vänner som gör livet härligare.

  3. What beautiful photos of the scenery on the way to and at your parent's house! Looks like you all had a wonderful time! :0)

  4. Thanks for all these wonderful photos. So good to see you had a wonderful christmas. Now you can enjoy some time in your sewingroom. I know you have a lot of projects in your head now :)

  5. Thank you for the wonderful visit with your family , so very interesting .Happy New Year !

  6. Hej Stina! Vilka underbara bilder! Det verkar som om du har haft det helt underbart och hoppas nu att du har återhämtat dig helt från din envisa förkylning. (den kanske har frusit bort) Nu ligger ett alldeles obrukat och nytt syår framför oss med alla möjliga utmaningar som det bara är att kasta sig in i. Härligt!

  7. Stina,
    Looks like you had a good time.

  8. Hello Stina, What truly beautiful magacal photos of your country and home. Your family is lovely looking and your pressie are all fantastic. I looking forward to hearing about the helicopter excitment!! VBG I think the my most favorite photo was of the reindeer, gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. Hugs Judy

  9. Herlige bilder! Godt nyttår til deg! :o)

  10. Wonderful pictures ... so different to Christmas 'downunder'. The snow makes it all look so magical. I got a Wii for Christmas and have been doing Wii fit every day .. lots of fun though a few aches from muscles not usually used! Look forward to quilty posts soon.

  11. What a beautiful post. I have never seen snow and your photos so make me wish harder to see it one day:)

  12. It does look cold...I love your photos...and the food looks delicious even though I don't know what everything is!

  13. What a lovely picture story! I feel like I was with you :o)

  14. Happy New Year! The pictures are truly beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. AMAZING photos :)
    Thank you for sharing and a really happy new year :)

  16. Hi Stina
    How wonderful for us in Australia to see your photos of an amazing white Christmas with your family.....Thanks for sharing!
    WOW! I have never seen so much wonderful food!
    The helicopter incident must have been

  17. Hello Stina! What a great christmas time you`ve have been passed with your family, I´m glad for you!
    And I hope you enjoy this new year with a lot of new experiences and a new good friends.


  18. Hi Stina...what a wonderful post and wow it all looks like a Winter Wonderland to me!!! And to think of you in all that snow and we went for a swim to the beach today!!! Last week we had 41c!!! LOve all that you did...especially the food...all looks quite European as my Grandmother would make!!! Happy Happy New Year and all the best for a good one♥x

  19. Happy New Year-- Wonderful photos..
    Sounds like you are ready for sewing...

  20. Lots of lovely pictures! But it looks cold:) I like your header:))
    Have a good weekend!

  21. Tack för att du delade med dig av dessa underbara bilder o en god fortsättning på det nya året ,nette

  22. Hello Stina, enjoyed reading your post and catching up with you...glad the little gift arrived safe and sound..hugs lyn

  23. Thank you for sharing the photos from a wonderful Christmas with your family! It all looks so nice, joyful and cozy!

  24. So many great pictures there...thanks for sharing them all!

  25. I so enjoyed reading your blog. I am Swedish on my mother's side - and we celebrate Christmas with all the Swedish traditions! I'm in a Swedish bee (two of the members are actually Swedish natives) - so we try to keep up the "Swede" things in life! I've never heard of the tin melting...I'll have to learn more on that! Happy New Year!

  26. What fun to see your family traditions. Loved seeing all the photos. Everyone looks so happy to be together.

  27. Hi Stina, For me it is incomprehensible how cold that is! I'm frozen when it drops to 10degrees celsius here! Lol! You know, it was around 40 degrees celcius here that day. That's a difference of almost 80 degrees. Isn't that incredible!!



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