
October 4, 2011

Two green packages....

Green packages ... you´re asking??? :o)

So far it´s a secret....but in a day or two... 
hopefully two ladies will have received a green package from me...
Hope they will like my surprise!!

Peaks anyone asked...:o)
Will see about
 What else is happening... 
Im working on my little quilt.. but forgot to take pictures of the quilting... 
Binding will go on maybe tonight ...
but I feel pretty tired so I guess  that´s a wish thinking!!!    

Frosty mornings have arrived.. if it aint raining will say...
huh... 71 years since we had this much rain...
Its soaking wet everywhere!!
Molly loves it...not me...:o)

Ok Ok.. :o)
Here you go...
A little peak...
New labels from me... :o)
Played with my letter stamps again... 
and this..... I love!!
Satisfied.. hope so...
NOT??? :o)
You´ll have to wait and see...
a couple of days.. or so..:O)

Over and out with a picture of 
Molly in Pink & Purple..:O)

Keep Viktor in your minds.. he is having a "little " surgery on Thursday
and ahhh.... this Mommy worries all the time... :o)
Im sure it will go just fine.. 
I know it will.. at least I hope so..:O)

Love from me xoxo


  1. The letter stamps are a cute idea...I like them too! Mooly looks so pretty in that last picture...she is getting big! I will keep Vicktor in my prayers...let us know he is doing...have a great's starting to rain here too!

  2. I'll hold Viktor in my thoughts and prayers, I'm sure he will be in safe hands.
    Love the labels and the photo of Molly. Looking forward to seeing what you made!

  3. I love playing with letter stamps when I am visiting my daughter! I've made the cutest (albeit simplest) labels. You are quite a tease. Hope the pkgs. arrive to their destinations soon so we can see the contents!

  4. stina!!!!
    thinking of you and viktor, everything will be fine, kids recover fast
    you know, we are starting to feel spring, the sun is not so shy, but we had 5ºc yesterday morning!! odd for this time of the year
    I'm not in a hurry, I like a lot the different moods of seasons; and summer is always too long for me, so lets enjoy spring as it goes:)

  5. I'm so not ready for winter!

    Thinking of Viktor...hope all goes well.

  6. Molly en vän att lita på.Ditt block blev så så fint med applikationerna.Mitt i hösten behövs verkligen mer "klorofyll"
    Ha en fin dag.

  7. The stamping is soooo cool, just have to try it one of these days.

    All good and healing thoughts to Viktor on Thursday, from a Mom who worries endlessly for her sons - in small and big issues.
    Biggest Hugs!

  8. Love your photos! Good luck to Viktor. I'm sure all will be well. It is your job as a Mum to worry! I still worry with mine and even worry for my grandkids now.

  9. Very impressed my dear Stina. Like the pictures and the stamps. Best wishes to Viktor......Cedric

  10. Definitely not satisfied! We want to see MORE! Love those cute little stamps. And good luck to Viktor tomorrow!

  11. Cute labels, Stina. Good wishes being sent for Viktor.

  12. Cute labels, Stina. Good wishes being sent for Viktor.

  13. Cute labels, Stina. Good wishes being sent for Viktor.

  14. What a beautiful picture of Molly....sending hugs for Viktor. :-)
    Hugs to you too, Stina,

  15. Hi Stina. Hope all is well now that Viktor has had his surgery. Autumn has most certainly arrived, the first frost that melted the summer flowers, the change of color in the trees and now, now we are back to summer temps! Crazy old weather... Isn't frost one of the prettiest things to photograph though? You always have the best photos.



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

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