
January 18, 2012

I´m slow...

yepp... you read everything right..;O)
I´m slow...

But at least now I know why...
This last year have been a struggle to just be...
My tiredness, all the ache and pain, the swollen fingers 
and the most dreadful thing.. not wanting to do anything...
and the freezing!

It all have come clear now..

My body have shut down and it aint functioning without thyroid...
so Im SLOW..:O)
Started medication last week and will now look forward to 
gain some strength... 
No fast miracles as it takes some time to fill up the levels...and get it right...
but within a year... huh... I might be lucky..:O))

So please see to that I dont jump on any challenges...
because I will probably not finish them...

For me 2012 will be a year just doing something!!

Like lighting some candles...

 Enjoying prettiness...

Be thankful for little things like fresh baked scones
 and a lovely cup of Chai tea... 

Remember all the wonderful FRIENDS
 I have in blogland and real life...

Blue Quilt made by Karen
Hen quilt made by Darlene on ladder

Trying to cope with our winter..
Hey.. half of January is gone.. Hooray..:O)

And look.. 
Some days arent that grey after all...
There is some sunshine around!! :O)

Just wanted you all to know...
I dont like to be this absent...
I dont like not sewing
I dont like being like this
I want to be myself again!!

And so it will be!! :O))
Lots of Love from me

 Pheew.. this was lots of personal stuff.. lets hope next post will be more cheerful! :O)


  1. Your house looks so nice and cozy.Pretty snowman display! Hang in there and get lots of REST!

  2. Stina
    Now that you are on medication you will start to feel better. You have a lovely home and just being surrounded by all that loveliness should help you along.

  3. God bedring! Og husk - våren er der framme og det hjelper alltid på humøret. Klem.

  4. Sorry to hear this but happy that you will have answers. I am right there with you, depending on that little pill to keep my body functioning correctly. Would be happy to chat about the journey.

  5. Du får se att det kommer snabbt att bli mycket bättre. För mig var det som om någon tryckt på en knapp och livet var igen värt att levas.

  6. OF COURSE you'll get over this, dear Stina ! Now that they reached a precise dagnostic and you're under good medications, you can only but feel better, day after day, one day at a time. T I M E is certainly the keyword for you, and I'm sure you're going to discover quite a lot of lovely things about you, and life, and family, and friends... and smeling the roses after winter ;>) Nothing comes without a reason, try to read a good book, flip through some quilt magasines, and just dream and make plans (even collecting fabrics) for next year, when you'll put together those wonderful quilts that you've got the secret to make ;>)
    Rest, be patient, watch some good movies, take as much sunshine when it shows, and don't stop blogging (you've got so much to show and teach us!).

    BIG (((HUG))) and heartful thoughts, my friend !


  7. Just to let you know I went through the same struggle a number of years ago but with medication all is well , it does take time but it will happen and you will feel more like doing things , I can remember being so tired I had to think to breath . Big hugs to you. Sheila

  8. Lots of love to you my friend. Just rest and take it easy and if you feel the urge to sew then do so but if not then it is ok too. Enjoy looking at what you have and know that people care.

  9. Hello Stina

    So sorry to hear that you are not your usual self and I wish you 'good health' very quickly! I will be thinking about you, and please do take very good care of yourself !!

    Luv Ann J

  10. hope your back to enjoying the pleasures of handwork soon, until then enjoy the pleasure of relaxation and dreaming of handworks to do....take care cheri

  11. Välkommen tillbaka.
    Så klokt att njuta av tända ljus och en kopp te.
    Så klokt att njuta av den vackra naturen.
    Så klokt att ta tid att lyssna på tystnaden och på på vad man tänker.
    God fortsättning på det nya året.

  12. I sympathise - I have been on the meds for 9 years now. I promise it does get better - and it didn't take too long for me.

  13. Hei!! Håper at medisinene vil hjelpe deg!! Vakre bilder!! Og mange fine quilter!! AnneK:-)

  14. I know exactly what you are going through...I have been on thyroid replacement since takes a while to get back to normal, but once they determine your medication strength your feel like your old self again!I took some gingsing for a bit in the beginning...for a little more energy. Wonderful pictures...I love all the snowy pictures because we only get it in the mountains here! Fell better soon!!!

  15. Wow Stina - you sure do get a lot done for someone who doesn't feel well. I hope your medicine kicks in quickly. Maybe the coming spring will help too!

  16. Vad är viktigare än att man mår bra...så jag önskar dig allt gott !!Vi njuter så av dina fina bilder,bara det är en fin gåva till oss.Ta väl hand om dig !

    Kram Gudrun

  17. Oh, Stina -- you will start to feel better once you get established on the meds. Glad you're taking the time to just appreciate prettiness around you -- and sharing such beautiful photographs with us!

  18. Hey Stina! So glad the doctors have finally found the reason you haven't been feeling so good and that they can help your body get back to having energy. Just think of all the planning, sketching and stroking of fabric that you can do until your energy starts to come back and then ... LOOK OUT WORLD!! Stina will be back! Tee!Hee! Hee! In the meantime we'll enjoy looking at your lovely photography and look forward to hearing that you're feeling better. Be patient with yourself and rest up. Big Squooshy Bear Hugs! KRIS

  19. So glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery. I just love your photos in your blog header...snowmen and candles...cold and warm. Hope you are feeling much better soon!

  20. I also just found out I have Hypothyroidism! Good luck to us both feeling better soon!

  21. Hi least Now You can be Treated and You will be back on Board in No Time doing what You Love Best...The Trip might be Slow but there is Light at the End of the Tunnel..
    Take Care of You while You Recover and Enjoy Your Slow Time.
    Sending Big Hugs.

  22. Hey Stina, Welcome to the club :o) I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism back in 1996! Once you get your meds sorted and the levels come up (takes about 3 months) you'll be back on form. It is quite normal to feel blah and at this time of year with the short days it will be amplified. Don't be too hard on yourself and take each day as it comes. ((hugs))

  23. Hope you are feeling like yourself again soon Stina, I will be thinking good thoughts for you!! xo you're sweet

  24. Oh how you will slowly start to feel like yourself, and then you will try to remember how lousy you felt and you won't remember, because you will be so busy being you again. Words from experience. Take care!

  25. Goodness, Stina. This is serious stuff, this hypothyroidism of yours. Knowing what is going on must be a relief for certain and now you have some answers to why you have not been yourself at all. I see here in your comments that you have friends who are a valuable resource of info and offering encouragement. You are never alone and we totally understand how not feeling so good throws you off life as usual. I know how easily this happens. I hope the medication works and the proper level for you is found ASAP. Quick as possible so you can take back your life and SEW ON!!! Soon, you will be feeling like a pup again, lol, just like your Molly. :-D

  26. Hopebyounstart feeling better soon least you now know why younger slow!

  27. Just happened to drop by from OPAM link....enjoyed your pics....I also have hypo...had if for years and it can do a job on you...I have an herbalist that helped me...thankfully....blessings to you...

  28. Hey---mind your doctors. I had a tumor on my thyroid...they removed half my thyyroid...the other half started working too hard. I was sleeping my life away...Everything was a crisis. They put me on the thyroid medicine and it's wonderful now. It really works. You'll even notice that you don't go to bed so early. You'll get it fixed. You're in my prayers....

  29. I have hypothyroidism for 12 years, you will feel better just give it time. And you will be back to doing what you love but get rest now and let the medication work. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  30. I'm so glad that they now know why you feel so tired and can start to do something to get you on the mend. You are in my thoughts. Take it easy and don't rush into doing too much too soon.

  31. Stina, you will be in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and so glad the Dr's. have diagnosed and correcting the problem with time. Rest up and keep us posted.

  32. Hi Stina

    I feel for you! My gran also had it and I saw her misery so I understand you so well! Good luck!!I is nice to read your post!

  33. Stina - so happy that you are taking care of yourself! Winter makes us all a little slow ;) Enjoy taking some time for rest & curl up with cute Molly girl for some R&R! xxoo

  34. Jag är helt övertygad om att du kommer att bli full av energi och syglädje igen!
    Vårsolen och alla kära runt dig gör underverk! Må gott och njut av det lilla!

  35. Hi Stina ! I send you all my best wishes for 2012 ! I hope you'll be OK very soon and be yourself again !!

  36. I'm glad the doctor found out what was wrong and you're now on medicine that will help! I went through this as well and I have to say I was happy it was low thyroid instead of heart failure like the doctor first thought! Sending healing thoughts and good wishes your way!

  37. Oh you poor little chookie!!! So glad to hear that you have a diagnosis and are going to be back to you, it is horrible when you know you are wrong and can't work it out. And things like silly thyroid creep up and it can be months before you think "Hey, I am not me any more, what happened?" - like my liver cyst that in hindsight may have been stalking me for a few years. At least I lost 5 kgs in 1.5 hours!!!! As well as a pregnancy sized belly...
    My S4's darling girlfriend wrote me a Get Well Song and they recorded it for me. It could apply to you, too! Check my blog for the song (
    May 2012 be the year we BOTH get back to us!!!! Hugs and love Jasmine
    PS It has been 40* here the last few weeks, I LOVED the snow picture!!!!!

  38. I'm so glad that you have a solution for the feelings. I have to take a pill for my thyroid and will for the rest of my life - but it makes me feel better and that's OK. It will get better and you will be back to yourself again and with a little more spring in your step. Don't stress over what your not wanting to do right now - take care of yourself and the rest will come. Hugs to you :)


  39. Hugs to you! I am slow and always cold too, but had that checked last year and can't blame my thyroid?! (just slow!) It is cold here too, and I look forward to the energy that the lighter days and even just a bit of warmth brings. Hope to see you back again soon!

  40. Well the most important thing is that they have found out what is wrong with you and now it can finally be treated. I wish you well and hope it doesn't take too long to get everything back on an even track. Enjoy the little things in 2012.

  41. Så mange flotte bilder :-)
    God helg

  42. Welcome to the "club" Stina. I as many of your other readers/friends suffer from this and as you say, the meds will get you back to your old self again. But I don't think it's going to take a year though - hopefully you will start to feel better before your next docs appointment :-)
    After a couple of years on Levaxin, I now know for sure when the hormone levels start to decrease again - I'm struck by such a tiredness that everything hurts and I need to nap for round 2 hrs each day and then be in bed by 10pm :-o Plus like you, I'm not up to do anything.

  43. So sorry to hear that you have not been good ...hopefully the meds will soon kick in & give you some oomph!!!when my daughter had some thyroid trouble the natruopath suggested kelp tablets for extra iodine seemed to work very well for the blue/cream quilts you showed... my fav colours... looks very "cool" there while i am sitting with the air-con on here 38 degrees....

  44. Du har en flott blogg.Ønker deg lykke til med medis.Om ikke lenge er du tilbake i ditt "gamle jeg".

  45. Wonderful pictures of blue and white!
    Get well and may 2012 be a year of full health recovering to you!


  46. Wishing you the best of recoveries.

    Your blog always inspires me to do something to make my life better. Thank you for sharing your creative life with us.


  47. I'm sorry you have not been feeling well. Your blog is beautiful! I visited Sweden once; the most beautiful country. I do loved it. My family is from Svenarnum. I hope to be back someday. I wish they would not have emigrated. We lost the language in one generation but we still have the Swedish Bible and the trunk that traveled so far.

  48. Brrrr, those images look cold! Sorry you're feeling so low. I have something to cheer you up though. ;-)

  49. I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and sending you good wishes for feeling so much better. Hopefully your medication will do the trick. Always enjoy what you post - lovely pictures.
    sue in wisconsin, usa

  50. Hi STINA, Take care and don´t stress. You don´t need to do something all the time,just look in a magasine and take a cup of the or do just nothing. Perhaps look out of your window and no thinking at all. Just enjoy.
    GRATTIS till den lilla quilten.
    Kram Louise D

  51. Hope your soon back to your old self. Your sunrise photo is beautiful.

  52. Hugs and good thoughts sent your way! Sending prayers up that you feel much better very soon!

  53. Try not to over do it. Concentrate on your health. And if you dont feel better go back to the doctor. I know a couple of people that had to have their meds adjusted before they saw relief.
    Wishing you well...Karencg

  54. Looking forward to summer :)

  55. Thankyou all for your wonderful comments.. Love from me!

  56. Selv om det er trist å få høre at det vil ta tid og bli frisk, er jeg glad for at du har funnet ut hvordan sykdom du har. Håper du snart blir såpass i form at du får kosa deg litt med søm, og jeg regner med det gjør godt at våren snart kommer ;o) Kjenner energien kommer sakte men sikkert tilbake når det er lysere dager.
    Stor klem,

  57. I too have hypothyroidism and I'm glad to hear you've started your meds for it. It will be gradual but the sluggishness will be gone soon. Take care sweetie

  58. Kjære deg, først vil jeg bare si at jeg alltid syns det er så koselig å (blog) besøke deg. Du har alltid så flotte og bilder - jeg blir inspirert. Jeg vet ikke hva sykdommen dine er, har aldri hørt om den, men jeg er glad du får hjelp. Ta tiden du trenger til å komme deg på bena, og nyt våren som snart hilser på :o)
    Vi er her når du trenger oss :o)) Klem

  59. Så bra at de har funnet ut hva som mangler, så du kan få hjelp!!
    Du kommer til å få det mye bedre etterhvert og kreftene kommer tilbake.
    Klem til deg!

  60. I am so glad that you finally got a diagnosis. I know you have not felt well for a while. Now you can get better.
    I made that same quilt that Karen made for you. It is hanging in my guest bedroom. Such very nice gifts from you friends.

  61. Oh my gosh Stina! I hope you feel better soon. I am sorry that you have to deal with this. Take care of yourself :o)



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