
February 25, 2012


some Granny Squares in January... 
with intensions to have a square to make now and then...
How do you think it have worked...
I have a row ... :O)
And all those I made 
within some days...
Me in a nutshell..:O)
Well I have a ROW!! :O)

Nothing else happens here but taking care of myself..
Have been at a check up at Pain Rehab for 5 days with
Doctor, Physiotherapist, Counselor, Psychologist 
and an Occupational therapist 
and I need to start to listen to my body!!
That is what they told me!! :O)

Have had pain for too many years so now I am reacting with 
even more pain, tiredness, concentration problems, sleeping problems, 
memory loss..;O) even worse than ever...
You name it!!

And add a little hypothyroidism to that.. PHeww!! 
No wonder I am a little tired..;O)

But in the end it will be just fine...
a new me.. I hope..:O)

So if Im a little absent here.. 
you know why..
Do you know what I have for "treatment" every day ...

*Sit in my sewing room for 5 minutes..


So I do my best and do as the Doc´s say..:O)

Take care and I mean it TAKE CARE!!
LOVE xxx


  1. Sounds like you are making progress where health is concerned. It is no easy thing to do activities in moderation - to just sit in the sewing room for five minutes doing nothing probably felt like an eternity for you! Poor'll get better. Good to hear your voice once again. Glad you are taking care of you. :-D

  2. Sounds familiar to me!!! Everyone tells me every day i need to listen to my body and myself, so this was and is my resolution for 2012!! You take care of yourself and really listen to your body!! And to stay positive: things will only get better in the end...

  3. Åh, vad glad jag blir när det kommer ett inlägg från dig!!! Vad skönt att du har gått in för "att det blir bättre" - för det är jag alldeles säker på att det blir - hela tiden! Att det sedan går långsamt fram det hör ju till, för annars skulle du ju inte hinna lyssna på kroppen och hinna hitta fram till rätt sätt att vara på, för att det ska passa just dig! Virka en ruta då och då och sitt, bara sitt, i ditt syrum - jag menar bara att; Det viktiga är att du gör det som får dig att bli bättre - sakta men säkert! Jag sitter här och hejar på dig så att du inte tappar sugen!
    Take good care of yourself!
    Massa kramisar

  4. Do as they tell you and take very good care of your self, because you are the only one who can! And remember to take just one step at a time... Klem

  5. Sorry to hear you are not well... take it easy on yourself!

  6. Get well soon, Stina!
    Your Granny-squares are so funny! :o)

  7. Hope you feel better soon. Have enjoyed your pinterest entries...Keep in touch...

  8. Love the granny squares - so pretty! Just sitting can be good, especially when you're in a lovely space like your sewing room :) Hugs!

  9. no place better to sit and do nothing but the sewing room, just let your mind wander and your body heal.....lots of love cheri :)

  10. Kjekt å høre fra deg. Jeg håper det går litt bedre hver dag :)
    Søte hekleruter.

  11. Lovely to hear from you, Stina. Just make sure you keep listening to your body and to all the good advice you've been given and look after yourself. Enjoy taking it easy and feeling better.

  12. Your granny squares look great.
    Take Care Of You!...great treatment plan to just sit, and relax. I hope you are feeling better soon, remember don't push it. Hugs.

  13. A granny square now and then can be enough.Wish you a nice time.And take care of you.

  14. I didn't know you have health problems - nice to know you have found a spot with serenity.
    Bless you ! Hugs Lurline.

  15. Lovely granny square,it's not the amount we make but the enjoyment in the making,sit back,relax and take the time your body needs to get better ((((HUGS))))) Barb.

  16. The colours of your granny squares are very pretty! I have some my grandmother gave to me a long time ago and I need to stitch them together. Please take care of yourself! Wishing you wonderful pain free days!
    Patty from Southern California

  17. Well done on having a row of completed granny squares. It is no mean feat when you are not well. It is also an achievement, so be proud. I hear everyone echoing the fact that you need to really listen but sometimes we listen and do nothing about it. That is the hard bit, but, you are doing it, keep doing it. Sending you a big hug, hope it keeps you warm.

  18. It is hard to just "sit", isn't it? :)) Just take it easy, it will happen...
    I like your granny squares, I want to make some! Just not enough time, too many other projects on the go (or in my head).
    Look after yourself, xx

  19. Just checking in here to see if I have that dreadful wordverification on... BAH... !!
    Otherwise thanks for all the sweet comments.. they sure makes me smile.. Thankyou!!

  20. Your grannies are so fresh and cute, Stina! You have got very wise advices, just remember to obey them. Sometimes it's just good to sit and enjoy... also in the sewing room;o)

  21. Du borde nog gott unna dig lite mer än fem minuter:-) Så snabbt kommer det nog inte att gå över, om jag tyder tecknen rätt. Ta det lugnt och njut av livet, vi är nog alla här när du känner för det.
    (Ljuvliga färger på täcket)

  22. Stina,du vet att jag tänker på dig.Njut av dagen och var ute mycket.Långsamhetens lov.

    Stjärnorna så läckra,det kommer att bli fint det där.

    Kram till dig.


  23. Nå går det mot lysere og varmere dager. Og det vil nok hjelpe på både kropp og sjel.
    Sylysten og overskuddet vil nok komme tilbake etterhvert. Du må bare ta tiden til hjelp. Og vi er alle her for deg vet du.
    Stor klem fra meg

  24. Lovely granny squares, Stina. Glad to see you are able to enjoy some chrocheting :-)
    Take care, you too :-)

  25. Hello Beautiful granny sqaures.. It sounds like you describe me...LOL.. But we do the best we can love...Take it easy, enjoy little bits of fun here and there, and you will continue to craft for years to come..Thank you for sharing..Bless you..

  26. I so understand how you are feeling, you sound just like me. I have struggled with all the same symtoms for years. Then last year a family friend asked if they had ever considered Lyme Disease. Well in Canada the test is very poor. I was actually told the testing is more accurate at the vet. So I had my bloodwork shipped to the United States. I have Lyme! So now at least I can fight back with the right treatment plan. There is a great site that can give you tons of information It might be worth checking out. Their symptom checklist will let you know right away if it is a possibility. Wishing you well.
    Conny from Alberta, Canada

  27. Oh my goodness, I really do understand how calming and peaceful sitting in the sewing room can be. At least when it is clean! I also can relate to the thyroid issues, they really can goof you up as far as energy levels. Oh well, we will just have to spend more time in the sewing room to boost our spirits. My sewing room is being redone right now so it is crazy and messy, but when it is done I will be so happy!!!! You can watch it as it happens, I'm posting about it!
    Take care,

  28. Love your granny squares - I always smile when I see those type of squares and yours are happy ones. Take care of yourself :)

    Hugs - karen

  29. Your treatment seems very good !!!
    But if you listen carefully to your will say MORE than 5mn a day !!!
    I hope you're getting better ! Your grannies have a lot of vitamins !!

  30. Håpar det går betre med deg etter kvart! Sjølv tek eg kjemoterapi for tida, så det er ikkje topp her heller. Godt at det går mot vår med fuglesong og sildrande bekkar i skogen, det er balsam for sjela! Litt hekling er også beroligande. Er sikker på at det blir eit fint teppe til slutt!

  31. Ta hand om dig så du räcker länge, det är bra att du lyssnar till din kropp och vad doktorn säger. Du blir bra men det kommer att ta tid. Nu går vi mot ljusare tider och det gör att man blir lite mera piggare och kan njuta av solen, fågelkvitter och våren. Ha en lugn och vilsam helg, sitt i ditt syrum minst 8 minuter i dag ;)

    Kram från Ann-Sofi



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