
October 29, 2012

Change in weather...

 Weather have changed...
Winter is closing in on us living here 
in the north of Sweden...

Some days it's snowing and some days it melts...
But for the last days we have had cold days...
Around -8 C...

Molly loves the change of weather...
And I don't...:0)

No sewing at all here...
Still have those Granny Blocks to sew together...

Have had other things on my mind...
Meetings about my future...
To work or not to work...

So the near future will be a little unsure...
Until all is settled with all instances...

That didn't stop me from a little shopping...
A girl have to have some fun..right?? :0)

Lovely fabrics in happy fabrics...

Bought a layer cake of Lori Holts latest fabrics...

Yummy everyone of them...

And as usual plan at all...
Just happy shopping...:0)

Some solids play with..when time comes...

Rainbow colours...:0)

with all that shopping I need a cup of tea...

Warm and delicious...

And then out in the cold ...taking walks with Molly...
In a more and more wintry landscape...

This morning...
Thin ice was on almost the whole river...
Not just around land...
Even I think it's pretty..:0)


  1. I have also purchased some of the Lori's newest fabric... they really cheer the dark northern day! Your landscape photos are beautiful!!!

  2. Oh I love all the pretty fabrics! It seems like as the weather gets colder the more fabric I buy. I guess I'm stocking up incase it snows. Any excuse to buy fabric works for me. Have a great day!

  3. You certainly know how to shop and the fabrics are so gorgeous. The snowy landscape is so pretty but keep warm and stay well. All will be ok and work out.

  4. So cold !!!! Here we had snow last Saturday !!! very unusual .... so Winter has come early this year !!
    You had a lovely shopping with a lot of bright colors !!! better than any pills !
    Take care of you !

  5. The photos are beautiful. Looks like you have lots of luscious fabric to keep you busy for the winter.

  6. Oh, it's is cold, brr!...You did the right thing, there's nothing better than buying fabrics, I love your choices! What about snuggling under a quilt with that cup of tea?

  7. Thanks for the love photos Stina.
    Bev in Britain

  8. IMHO opinion your health must come before decisions on work, but I do know at times they are interlined (sp??) so I cross my fingers and hope you will find the right road and direction.
    The fabrics are lovely - lucky you! Isn't it great to splurge every now and then? I find it joyful and stimulating each time a new piece of my stash arrives. But right now my CC is on hiatus and is saved for the big winter family trip ;-o
    Look forward to see what you are going to create with those lovelies!

  9. Winter is a beautiful time of year...but please tell me it isn't time for that already! Argh. Lol. Doesn't appear to be keeping you or Molly inside just yet and I see many pretty and happy things here today. Glad you are feeling better and hope the work issues are soon resolved. Your body may simply demand that you take less stress for a while longer and there isn't much you can do in order to avoid further injury and illness. Thinking happy thoughts for you. :-D

  10. Wow -- you have snow already. So hard to believe winter is upon us. That pile of cute fabric will surely keep you warm!

  11. Love all your new fabrics, Stina. Very pretty to look at until you feel like using them ... have fun.



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