
April 15, 2013

Gifts from family ...

Back again with more gifts...

Lovely lovely family made me a photo album
with photos from my childhood and until today...
Wasn't too big at this 1963...:0)
look at those little bootees...wonder who made them...:0)
Inside the album...
my family had left me lots of wonderful greetings...
and it all became very emotional...
cried some but laughed a lot too...
with a pretty crown made out of straw...
Here I am with my brother Anders...
I remembering him putting the candle to close
to his hair once...ouachhhh!!!

Won't show the last photo....
they added a photomontage of me probably 80 years old...:0))

It was REALLY wonderful getting this one...
thanks to especially my dear daughters and Jimmy
who had put all this together...
More tea ...
from Anders and his family...
rose tea in an absolutely wonderful pink tin!!
And this absolutely heavenly scented package
came from France...
where my cousin Eve lives with her family...
Once visiting there...
I had them to stop at every spot I could find
where I could smell the lavender...
easily dreaming my self away with that scent!

Eve...thanks for remembering
and to add those lovely lavender fabrics...
Also remembering me hunting patchwork stores
while visiting her...
had looked out a shop in Lyon...
and when getting there...hah..
they had closed to celebrate the 14th of July...;0)))

Have one last gift to show you...
and dear dear I will need your help...
So hang on ... wait for the next post!!




  1. I have loved reading every single word and seeing the happiness from your birthday celebrations and you are right maybe it should be done more often when it brings such joy. Seeing baby Snofrid growing makes me want to come and have a cuddle too, it is a delight.

  2. Så ljuvliga foto på er som små.Tur att man har foto kvar.Fina presenter du fått.
    Virkade du inte typ halsband med blommor på? Letar febrilt efter mönster och kom på att kanske du kan tipsa mig.Hoppas jag har tur.

    kram Gudrun

  3. Wow Stina. It sounds like you had a fabulous birthday -- all those gifts and guests! It all goes to prove -- you're obviously VERY well loved!

  4. A lot of great pictures !! you have been spoiled for this special day !!



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

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