
April 7, 2013

Pink yumminess...

This is what my girls and Jimmy had prepared
for the party!!!!
a Chocolat Cake with pink and white snowflake sprinkle ...
The sweetest pink cupcakes
I had seen or eaten....
so pretty that we almost didn't want to eat them up...
just almost...;0)
Different shades of pink...just lovely!!!
Ain't they pretty???
You see the pink theme don't you...;0)
These are Viktors favourites...
Chocolat balls with pink sprinkle
and "filmrullar" filled with arrack...
Big thankyou to the baking team!!!
Love you!!:0))

Found this lovely little sign on Pinterest ...
Thought it was appropriate ...:0)
So ...isnt this a cake...or???
Oh My goodness...
What a cake!!!

If you remember when I had my exhibition at Nordanå, Skellefteå...
I shared the place with a fantastic person ...
Guy Nordström who had the most lovely woven tablecloths and curtains...
he is a man with a LOT of strings on his bow...
he has also been a pastry chef...:0))
And he came with this fantastic cake
with three layers....:0)
Dark chocolate mousse
with blueberry jam ....Mmmmmmm....
Pink marzipan
with black currant jam...
absolutely heavenly good!!!
And on top a whipped cream cake
...this one I missed out on completely... ;0)
Love the marzipan roses...
remembering that my brother Anders and I used to fight over these!!! :0)
Now Viktor takes
What a party cake...
and I promise you...
it was more than good!!!

Hope you're not fed up with all about my party...
I so enjoyed all this and it's a wonderful way
to remember it all once again on the blog...
and better up...saved for the future...

Back with more...



  1. Kära hjärtandes!!! Vilket enorm kreation tårtan (tårtorna) var - och vilka häääärliga bakverk det bjöds på din födelsdagsfest! Stina - vilken ljuvlig, rosa dag du måste ha haft!!! Det ser, och låter ljuvligt - tillsammans med vänner och familj! Jag som inte hade en aning - vill GRATULERA så hjärtligt (i rosa)i efterskott! Bilderna är helt underbara och man blir så varm och glad när man ser dem.
    Massor med kramisar

  2. Love everything about your party. Pink pink loveliness. That cake is amazing. My mouth is watering. I wish I had been there. The cupcakes look yummy too. You've been very spoilt Stina. Your quilt is fabulous too. And no, I'm not fed up with party talk or photos. Enjoy your special time. Sue.

  3. Oh my, everything looks so delectable!!!! Good on you for taking photos before sampling took place. :D

  4. Your cakes look so GOOD! What a birthday!!

  5. Mums. Man bliver helt lækkersulten.

  6. I will never tire of seeing images of your pink party. Keep them coming. Gorgeous cakes.

  7. So lovely Stina - you deserve all of it!! I love that it was a pink party - because you know - we are alike in that color preference :) I wish there was some way to sample all those yummy goodies through the computer screen. Thank you for sharing everything :D xo

  8. Hi Stina! I just found your blog thru Pinterest and am enjoying reading about your PINK party!!! I can't wait to visit again to see more of your lovely quilts and your cute home!

  9. Vilken fest!Svår att överglänsa.Tack för din berättelse om en dag som förändrade ditt liv och som fick oss att drömma om rosa.



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