
March 20, 2009

Giveaway win and PIF...

Yesterday I got a package from Denmark...
with my Giveaway win from
Mary Ann...
...a Tilda Jewellry Holder ...which I love... and she added a little pincushion side pink and the other one using up selvedges and an aqua fabric...all Tilda fabric... and for me that loves to use up every bit of scraps... LOVELY!!!!
And some nice chocolat eggs and marcipan from Denmark...
will be tried tomorrow... Saturday ( candyday know...

Thankyou Mary Ann!!!
And today I had mail from Australia... from Chookyblue...
My PIF...
...and I was thrilled to open up the package... which held a lovely bag made of Rose fabric and checks... a combination that I just love... so SPRING...
there was more...nice cards from her own photos...
...and two magazines that I didn´t have... some chocolate...that I gave to Viktor... he loves when it comes packages from other countries...where it says chocolate or candy on the
Donna thankyou !!! very much....
I wish for you all a wonderful and happy weekend... wonder what the Aussiegirls that are attending Girls Day in the Country at Nundle are making ... will be fun to see what they have made...


  1. What a lovely way to start the weekend, with sweet parcels. Enjoy the magazines.

  2. Wonderful gifties, Stina! You are very lucky :o)

  3. Your gifts were lovely Stina. I also wonder what the girls are up to. I would love to be there!!!..Have a great weekend my friend. Sew,sew and sew some more!

  4. What a good week for you;) I bet you were a happy, happy girl;) Have a good weekend.

  5. You're very welcome, Stina!!!
    I'm glad it arrived safely!
    Have a wonderful Candy Day tomorrow!!
    All the best!
    Mary Ann

  6. What special packages and to such a sweet person . Have a good week-end and enjoy that chocolate.


  7. What a great week you had with Just so wounderful gifts from this great girl. You are really worth them :)

    Have a wounderful weekend!

  8. Hi Stina. You received some lovely mail. The jewellery holder is gorgeous. Hope Viktor enjoys his chocolate.

  9. Lovely parcels in the mail.....lucky girl! So Spring is in the air there....I think you are glad about that!! Have a wonderful weekend....!

  10. What wonderful packages! A terrific day for you. Have a great weekend!

  11. Ooo what marvels you got in the post. A thoroughtly marvellous week. Love the rose bag!

  12. Gøy å få pakke i posten!

    Håper du får en fin helg :o)

    Hilsen Kari Anne

  13. Great gifts Stina...can I come round for some chocolate???

  14. Such lovely presents for you, Stina! The pincushion, so simple but oh so pretty.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  15. pleased you liked everything in the parcel.......

  16. Lots of lovely gifts! Everything is pretty, you are a lucky girl! I love the bag, the fabric is so beautiful!



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

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