
March 22, 2009

One minute ...please

Edit 4!!!
Hope this is the last edit on this post!!!
Ok... smileys are back..but done in another way...

So please who have had problems before...please tell me if it works better now...

Havent done anything about the commenting yet...if it still is troubeling you...tell me and I try not to use a pop up window!!!

A special thankyou to Marica for testing for me... even in the middle of the night...

Edit 3!!

Edit 2!!!
My smileys are gone... sigh...
does this help for you having problems...???

Edit 1!!!

Thankyou all for taking your time to let me know...
Have erased some scripts from the blog ...but it still is not working for some...
and well I dont really know what it is...have tested my blog load ...and it is not so slow comparing to others...
Could be computers not beeing able to read Java scripts... to much temporarily files on the computers... what browser...settings for pop up windows... oh well It could be so much...and
Will leave it like this this week and I still appreciate comments...if you see some improvement or not!!
THANKYOU!!!! for helping out...

And one more thing...
I´d love to reply to all of you...please see to that you add an emailadress if you want me to contact you... some still have NOREPLY settings!!

I would appreciate if I got your attention for a little while...
I have been told that there are some problems with my blog for someones..

The problems is that it kind of freezes and that you cant post a comment!!!

Don´t know what it can be or if many of you have the same problem...
so please ...
if you could be that ANGELIC and comment and let me I can try and solve this problem...
and if you cant comment mail me at kviltstina at gmail dot com...

Hope your weekend have been really good...
See you soon...


  1. Hey Stina! Because I am sooooo "Angelic" :0) I will tell you how cute your angel is!! Hope you've had a great weekend! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  2. I'm just testing this comment for you to see if it works

  3. I just love your angel-in-the-box! It even looks good with snow...
    Have a good day! I'm off to church then I will try to find my sewing machine. I know it's hiding somewhere in there.

  4. Ich kann den Engel sehen - schönen Sonntag!
    LG Jutta

  5. well, I think that sweet angel did protect you !;)I'm jus giving you a helpful hand to check the comment issue: it works,a s you can see. :)
    Love your stories, love your give me many inspiring ideeas. Keep on going!
    Hugs from far away,

  6. I have not had any problems with your blog or leaving comments.

  7. Hej Stina
    Din blogg funkar bra hos mig...
    ...och läser du detta så kan jag kommentera härifrån också. Hoppas du fixar de tekniska problemen!

  8. Hi Stina!
    Today I can read you blog and write a comment but yeasterday you blogg dont like me at all it frezze and I wash to shout down the computer :( But it had happens a few times before to but I can´t remeber if it was earlier this week or week before. I hope you find your problem. I will think and see if I can found out something..

    Take care!

  9. Hi Stina......looks ok from here....sending you hugs in a comment...!

  10. it looks like your comments work to me. I have always loved the quilt on your header - did you make it and does it have a name?

  11. Wow, Stina - I got through at last - maybe it our third world system here in Australia during the day - anyhow - big hugs - Lurline♥

  12. Hi Stina,
    The only problem I encounter on your blog is when it is loading. It freezes up for a few seconds and then I can finally scroll down. Sometimes it is worse than others but here I am leaving a comment and I've always been able to do that! Have a good you have me curious about that little surprise quilt! Always keeping us in suspense! LOL

  13. I have the same problem as quilt hollow, it freezes up my pc. I've noticed it does the same thing on other blogs that use the backgrounds from those free blogger sites. So now I open your blog in a new window and let it sit a while before I even attempt to look......

  14. Hi Stina,
    I am not having any problems, it just takes a few to load the page, probably because of the images.

    Robin in Virginia USA

  15. So far so good, Stina. We will see when I hit publish.

  16. Stina,

    It does freeze a bit, and we will see if my comment posts.
    Until then I want to say your little angel is so cute. I love angels.


  17. Your comments issue is working, dear Stina.... as long as we love you enough (and we DO !) to wait patiently until your blogs "defrosts".. TeeHee ;>)
    That's right : there IS a little problem with your blog, kind of "blocking" for a few minutes, before we can scroll down, or do anything...
    Just don't know what it is ????


  18. No problem to comment at all.

    Your angel is adorable!!

  19. A bit of freeze at first but then it is fine!

  20. Hi Stina, I don't seem to have a problem commenting on your blog and never had. If I ever do though, I will be sure to let you know.

  21. No problem getting through to you from me. Hope you are having a great Sunday!!

  22. A bit of freeze, a second or so, but further : no problem at all!

  23. There are blogs that won't take my comment, but it isn't yours, I think. I think the problem goes with the one who wants to put the comment. I haven't figured it out yet.
    Have a lovely week.

  24. looks like it is working again
    hope you had a wonderful weekend

  25. Hi Stina, How is life in the snow?? No problem from my computer!! Cathy

  26. Hej Stina!
    Du har redan fått månag kommentarer, men jag skriver en ändå ;o) Det tar väldigt lång tid att ladda upp din sida, och som många andra skriver så fryser bilden ett tag, men sedan funkar det.

  27. Sometimes I have trouble with your blog. It freezes and I cannot open the comments. Can it be because of the background of your blog???

  28. Testing, testing!!!! LOL!! freezing up!
    Your header takes a little while to load, but other than that, I think all is fine!!!
    Mary Ann

  29. I've never had a problem leaving comments before, but today it froze for awhile before I could scroll down.

  30. Hi Stina! No problems with your blog from my end of the world. It is all lovely as always!

  31. No problems here. I don't comment often but I do enjoy your blog and your creativity: I read every post.

  32. No problems from the South Pole!!
    Love the angel, it's so sweet!!

  33. Hello...........i enjoy your blog very many special friends live in "blogland"! You can e-mail me if you like....i really don't have a blog yet....Take care...from vonnie

  34. Hi Stina...
    I have not encountered the problem and usually if there is a problem to find - I will find
    Love your last 2 posts...lovely gifts....lucky you!
    I had a great weekend in Nundle....but forgot to take my camera!!! I can't believe that! Anyway check out the other blogs for some fun photos! The projects were just great too!

  35. Hi Stina.
    Greetings from Victoria, Australia.
    I enjoy checking in to see what you are up to and sometimes have problems with your blog where the page doesn't load, it all freezes up and I have to shut down the browser and start over. Sometimes, like today, it has a little "rest" and then it plays nice. I've never left a comment on your blog before, I don't have a blog and leaving comments is fairly new to me so let's see how this goes.

  36. Finally, the little problem has resolved :)

    Take care!

  37. Hi Stina,
    So sorry for your troubles, but it seems to be working now. I had to catch up on your blog and all the excitment over your way. Snow melting, sewing getting done and gifties being recieved. You have been busy.
    Keep Stitchen'

  38. You seem to have sorted out the problem but just letting you know I never had any difficulties leaving comments. You have done a lot of posts since my last visit ... I have really enjoyed catching up.



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

- - -XOX- - -