
May 17, 2009


and having a sore throat... and not feeling at all to well...
taking a break from everything...
Hope to get back soon with some more energy...

Had a little curious visitor the other day...
dont know if it is a he or a she... but cute and not at all afraid...
searched for birdseed beside our birdhouse...
And spring has come a long way now... its getting greener and greener
every day... Finding more and more flowers during my walks...
...but in my sewingroom it is no activity at all...ok almost none...
the sewing mojo is gone....
dont know where I dropped it???
Hope to find it soon..
Crochet ...for a PIF lady...

Ok.. back to the bed..just wanted to say

See you soon...


  1. I hope you get well soon Stina; get plenty of rest. I am settling in to watch the Redwings and Chicago Blackhawks right now. What a cute hedgehog you had visiting.

  2. AJ,aj våren är farlig.Man ska inte sitta ute (och brodera) och tro att det är varmt och skönt fastän solen skiner. Svettas in våren, annars kan det komma surt efter.Jag har inte klätt av mig men ändå blivit snuvig. Sköt om dig Stina.Jag var idag på Jamtlis vårmarknad och lyssnade på Hannu Sarenström och det var inspirerande men tyvärr är nog inte orken riktigt OK för allför mycket trädgårdsförändring.Men kul är han att lyssna på. Köpte lite växter i alla fall för man blir så tagen av allt härligt som är till salu.Kvällssolen är härlig och hoppas att morgondagen blir fin så jag kan sätta mina inköp i morgon. Kram från Louise D

  3. Cute little hedgehog...miss seeing those from my time spent in Germany. Geez...get better so we can see some productivity out of the quilting arena!!

  4. Oh Stina... I hope you feel better soon... It is SO hard to be a Mom and be sick! Rest and recover and your sewing will always be there, right? Looking forward to our new project :o)

  5. I hope you get over that cough and sore throat soon. Spring colds are no fun at all!

    I LOVE the hedgehog. They are so cute!

  6. Hi Stina! Feel better soon! Hope you get good rest.

  7. Stina, I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hopefully, you are up and running soon. Is that a little hedgehog?? Really cute. I don't think we have them here in our part of the country. Although, I could be wrong. The crochet flower is very pretty. Can't wait ot see the rest.

  8. Take care Stina and get better soon.
    Maybe you need some 'you' time?

    Oh what an adorable 'touchable' and cute!!!

    Feel well soon,
    Robyn xx

  9. Sorry you are not feeling your best. Hope you feel better soon.

  10. THat reminds me of a hedgehog I had living in my garden in NZ. I've never seen one here in OZ. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  11. Hope you feel better soon Stina. That little hedgehog is adorable, I think he knows it's springtime!

  12. I think your mojo is telling you something "You need to rest your body!" Take care of yourself Stina!!

  13. Hi Stina, poor you feeling so bad. I hope you feel better soon. Love the photo of the little hedgehog.

  14. Hope you feel better soon!
    Is that curious creature a hedgehog?

  15. I hope you feel better soon Stina. Your visitor is very cute. Your spring photos are lovely.

  16. hope you are feeling much better very soon..........

  17. Hope you will get well soon, Stina, and that you will have your sewing mojo back! But don't stress it, it will be back when you are ready! Take care!

  18. Hello Stina, I hope you recover quickly.....thinking of your spring flowers....Warm Regards Lyn

  19. I do hope you are felling better soon, I have had the same things twice this year already, not a lot of fun.


  20. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that you are under the weather. Hope you're feeling better soon. Looking forward to see what it is that you're crocheting;)

  21. Tons of oramge juice and take your vitamens--- so sorry you feel bad. My sewing mojo is on pause as also -- maybe it's our latitude on the earth :). Hang in there- Hope you feel better soon.

  22. Get better soon, Stina. It's no fun being sick.

    I love your Spring flowers. Some of them I haven't seen before.

  23. Krya på dig Stina. Kramar från Emma & Olivia

  24. Hello Stina, I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well, GET BETTER SOON. Hugs Debbie

  25. I know you dont feel good but take time to rest your self so you are fine when our sewing weekend is here, about 2 weeks :) and then I hope your mojo is back...

    lots of hugs from Marica

  26. Get well soon Stina. Honey and lemon juice in warm water might help. Thanks for the tip with the weighted pincushion/sew tidy. I made it last night.

  27. I love your visitor and the spring flowers. Hopefully these flowers can soon give you enough energy for the things you love doing! Take good care.

  28. Hope you are feeling like your old self real soon . . . . I miss you *s*

  29. Glad you are having some Spring and little cute visitors.

    Be Well Stina, your mojo will be there waiting for you when you get rested up.

  30. Lovely photos, Stina: you may have lost your sewing mojo for a little while but you still have a loving eye for what is around you. Hope you feel better soon; rest and look after yourself (and make sure everyone in the family looks after you too!)
    Best wishes

  31. I hope you're feeling better soon and I'm sure when you are the sewing mojo will be back!!

  32. Hopefully with resting and home remedies you'll be feeling all better soon. That mojo will return; mine did and I really really thought it was gone for good. Hugs...

  33. Speedy recovery to you Stina !!

  34. Hope your feeling better and back up and quilting again soon. What a sweet little visitor. What is (he/she)? We don't have those in Australia but it does look a little like an echidna.

  35. Sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully when you do you will be ready to quilt.
    When you feel better I was just wondering if you could tell me what kind of flowers those are in your header?
    They sort of remind me of some wildflowers I have in my woods called Mayflowers.
    Also, is that a porcupine you took a picture of? You have some great photos.

  36. Now you sound just like me...I have a sore throat, cough too!!! Just rest yourself...your mojo will come back♥

  37. That is the cutest little hedgehog and you got a great picture! Get better!

  38. hi stina! i'm not sure but think it's the first time i leave a comment, but i have been visiting your blog for a long time; by the way, vivi from argentina here

    rest always help! but for sure you must miss your sewing/embroidering..get well soon!
    i wanted to ask where did you get this amazing background for your blog? i want to change mine, but haven't found one that pleases me yet :(
    big big kisses, from the south of the planet! vivi

  39. Stina, hope you are feeling a little better by now. Must be all the new spring arrival.
    The little hedgehog is so cute, are they friendly? Great picture.
    Keep Stitchen'

  40. ps: you're more than welcome whenever you want to visit my blog, and of course leave a comment!
    i love your quilt background it's so romantic!

  41. Oh, Stina, I hope you'll be feeling better soon.
    Take a good rest & Sleep, We'll waiting for your return to the blogland. :-)
    P.S. Love your crochet flowre!!!

  42. You poor girl , take care and get better very quickly so you can look for your mojo !

  43. Hope you're feeling better. ;o) ooxx`jodi

  44. Åh, så synd att du inte mår bra, hoppas att det snart känns bättre.
    Igelkottarna har vaknat till även här hos oss, det är så mysigt.
    Jag har varit ledig några dar nu och det behövde jag. Såååå skönt att hinna lite i trädgården.
    Kramisar till dig.

  45. Hi Stina. Sorry to hear you've been unwell. Hope your sewing mojo returns soon. Maybe it has run off somewhere with mine! With my internet woes and a very busy work schedule I seem to have misplaced mine too. Hope it turns up next week when I start school holidays.

    PS Your little visitor is a sweetie.

  46. Hej Stina,
    hope you're well soon!
    I've seen your lovely PIF gift on Sherri's blog ~ wow! You did an awesome job...I wish I were your PIF gift recipient ;o)
    Hugs, Julia

  47. Hi Stina! Get well soon! No worries...the quilting bug will bite again soon! In the meantime, it's always wonderful to work with yarn!!! Take care! Mary Ann

  48. Hi Stina, hope your feeling better, nothing worse than when you lose your mojo, thankfully I found mine I think it was at the bottom of my ufo list....LOL
    is that a hedgehog, they are very cute he looks soft to touch but he probably isn't, love your Spring photo's.....

  49. All I seem to be doing is catching up. Sorry to hear you were poorly. I love your little visitor.



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