
May 26, 2009

Have you missed me....

hope so...

Thankyou so much everyone for all the wonderful get well wishes...
So lovely to read when you dont feel good!!!
Finally better..still coughing.. but hey.. I can sleep again...
and with that...some more energy to other stuff...
The MOJO... is on the run with another mojofriend...
hope it will come home soon...
(Christine..have yours come back..just so that I know... )

While waiting for inspiration to struck me...
I have had some wonderful days receiving lovely mail...
one win and two lovely gifts.... HAPPY ME!!!

I was the winner in April´s drawing at Simple Stitches...
...take a look she has some really lovely patterns...
love her Garden Series.. so I had a tough choice chosing...
She´s a clever girl having pdf patterns.. . whoops right in your mailbox...
no shippingcharges..couldn´t be better!!!

Thankyou so much JULIE!!!!

And last week I got a mail from Connie at Cootiebug 2
and she said she had a batch of stamps ready to send to my son...
Ohh..isnt this sweet...
the kindness among quilters are truly AMAZING!!!!

And seeing the smile on his face when I gave it to him...
Connie you made him very happy....
think he started a new collection too... flags from all the States in USA...
as a surprise...there wasn´t just stamps in the package...
...a celestial mass of lovely pink fabrics...
and a hancocks-paducah fabric...
Can you see my big smile.....
Thankyou so much Connie!!!

And as if it wasn´t enough...the mailman had another package for me that day...
from Canada and Kaaren at The Painted Quilt...
btw.. aint this a cute plasticbag with pastel eggs on it...
I had admirered a fob she had on her blog...
Look what she made me!!!
She was so kind to offer and send me a fob...
to keep track of my ONE and only scissor!!!
And as a bonus..she sent a lovely little scissor from DMC... (it´s sharp...)
so now I have two...
and no way I will lose this one...
Its a beauty isnt it!!!
So can you see my even bigger smile now!!!!

Thankyou so much Kaaren!!!
I have said it before...
the generosity is something wonderful shared among quilters...
and it is something I value highly!!

Thanks for beeing my friends!!!

See you soon... will be back with some sewingstuf...
yes... I have sewed some...
finished some items for a swap...not just everything...
need to add one more thing...
So LYN ...soon.. soon...


  1. You're a lucky girl Stina -- it's because your such a sweetie that people send you such goodies!

  2. Very nice prizes once again, love your Fob, they are so nice for the small scissors. Bloggers are the sweetest. Hope you are feeling better and over the sore throat have a great week.

  3. Hi Sweets,
    I think Anna hit the nail on the head ;o)
    Beautiful gifts, have fun with them & I hoope you're soon back to your happy old self.
    Hugs, Julia

  4. Godt å høre du er bedre, og snart igang igjen:o) Fortsatt god bedring!
    Så flotte presanger du har fått. Kos deg med dem, og la inspirasjonen komme sakte men sikkert ;o)

  5. Glad you are feeling better and back to stitching!

  6. Hi Stina, You are so deserving of all your gifts. You are a very sweet and giving person. Your fob is lovely. I love those e-patterns too. So glad that you are feeling better. Big hugs!

  7. Some lovely lovely things arrived your way, dear Stina.

  8. Yes, I miss you! Good to hear that you feeling better. :-)
    and you have such a lovely friends. :-)

  9. You are a real lucky quilter with so many nice friends and that´s because you are such a nice person.
    What kind of stamps does Victor collect?I have been saving all my life so I´l be happy to send a bunch to him.
    To-day we have a rainy day so all green seems to be very green now.
    Hugs to you.

  10. It's good to read that you are feeling better.
    Enjoy your goodies.

  11. We always miss you when you're absent from blogland! Hope your mojo comes home soon cause you've got some lovely things to do. Gorgeous gifts!!

  12. So glad you are doing better! You poor girl, being so under the weather. I hope you enjoy all of your new pressies!

  13. Nice to know you are feeling better - it must seem like Christmas to you with all the lovely gifts!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  14. Hi Stina,
    glad to hear that you are feeling better.
    Hope to see some of those stitcheries soon!
    Lovely presents for a lovely person...
    cheers Julz

  15. Glad you're feeling better...and happy for you that you received such wonderful mail! Everything is lovely!

  16. Hey Stina! Of COURSE we've missed you - LOTS!! Glad you're feeling a bit better and hope your cough goes away soon. And look at all the goodies you received to help cheer you up!! WOW!! I'm with you - love those garden stitcheries - wish my garden looked like them! Tee! Hee! Hee! Can't wait to see your version of them! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  17. Hello Stina, again alive and kicking. You received such lovely gifts. Take care of yourself.

  18. Yes! I missed you! Glad you are feeling better. Thanks for sharing your lovely things with us!

  19. Lucky you! Jeg tror nesten du må være født under en heldig stjerne. Synes nesten ikke det går ett innlegg uten at du har vunnet ett eller annet.

  20. Hooley dooley, you're in present heaven!! Wooohoo!!
    Yes and you dear lady, deserve it! *Grin*
    Gosh I hope you're feeling better... I'm a bit behind presently in catching up, so sorry you've been 'crook'...get better real soon!
    Robyn xx

  21. ahhh Stina, I believe all good things come to those who wait....just take care of yourself......hugs lyn

  22. Good to hear that you are recovering. What lovely friends. :-) I can just imagine your son's face with those stamps and yours with the fabrics.

  23. Good to hear that you are feeling better . . . . sure helps to have such fun 'medicines' arrive in the mail *s*

  24. Lovely mail for you and Viktor. My mojo is finally returning. Did a little stitching today. At last ... not nice when you lose it. Glad yours has returned.



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

- - -XOX- - -