
January 31, 2010

End of Day 2...

and I had hoped to have this little doll finished today..
but nah... 
I have to stop sewing now..
before any more mistakes happens ...
some wrong cutting could have been involved..;o)
for a wonderful weekend...
Cyber friends and 
to you Virginia that started all this and have 
hosted everything splendid!!

What a wonderful weekend I have had..
dont think I have had this fun in ages...
just sew ...and sew...:o)

Have to go to tomorrow...
hope it wont be so cold..and NOT snowing tomorrow!!!
Have fun..and ...


  1. That is a very lovely dolly! And what a lot of great stuff you accomplished on your Retreat, well done!
    And I note it is also snowing on your blog, how clever!!! Could have doen with some of that yest here - it got to 40* again...

  2. Hi--Your new dolly is just getting a little "suntan" while she awaits her new clothes!!!
    Hugs, Di

  3. oh, this doll looks so nice!
    I would love a sewing weekend for myself!! but first I should find something for my family to do..
    I have been sewing my dresden plate quilt, I would like to know what do you think of it
    have I told you that my daughter Olivia and I are in love with your snowmen ? :)

  4. I'm guessing this doll is going to be just darling! Love her nose!!!

  5. Hey Stina what fun you have had this weekend...ideal for that weather you are having♥x

  6. I love your Raggedy, she is so sweet. You accomplished so much since the last time I visited your blog! I'm glad you had fun sewing this weekend and I hope it warms up for you tomorrow and no snow!!!

  7. Looks like your dolly is gonna be so cute. Some time s it's better to walk away when things start going wrong, then come back with fresh eyes. Glad you enjoyed you cyber retreat.

  8. What a great weekend! It was so much fun to follow your projects. That doll's face is super cute!!!!

  9. Sounds like you have a fabulous weekend Stina...we are still "little girls who love to play" aren't we.
    Kind Regards

  10. Such a cute face on your doll :)
    Guess you must have been smiling while making it. And I love your pink Madeline Schnibble.

  11. The doll is going to be gorgeous, I love those patterns.

  12. hej stina,dockan är verkligen kul,din blog är saa spännande,här snöar ock snöar det,hilsen,susi

  13. Your doll is so cute, there's no mistake!;-))) It was nice reading about your cyber retreat, thanks for showing us all the fun you had!

  14. Well, at least you had a productive weekend -- she sure is cute!!!

  15. You've made good progress on your doll. Retreats are to have fun and not worry too much. I love your Valentine Angel and hearts stitchery, I need to stitch a couple of those.

  16. Hi Stina. I hope I have fixed the problem???? I meant to say in a previous comment, that I adore your Header - the snowmen with the hearts, they are very cute!!!

  17. She has a very cute face, such a happy smile. Well done on all your retreat achievements, how fun to play retreat without the packing and unpacking, all the more time to sew.

  18. Just caught up on that last three posts. You have been busy. Love the star blocks and look at all that snow.

  19. Your doll is absolutely adorable Stina! Have you made these before? I love the pink nose and stripes on the legs! Rally really cute!



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