
January 31, 2010

Day 2 of Retreat...

Going a bit more slow today...
but I haven't been all that lazy...:o)
A perfect day for sewing..
The weather is really not at all fun..
snowing...cold and windy!!!

Have my Schnibbles and my Heart quilt prepared for quilting...
and have to load some more energy to start over...
Have some small things to sew...
might be that...
or..maybe I will start something new..
even If I shouldn´t
But oh so much fun.. :o)

see you later..
I hope..*S*
with progress I mean :o)


  1. Fint vær å sitte inne og sy, dette her. Mye fint å se på bloggen din. Kjekt å stikke innom. Ha en god søndag!

  2. good morning - can't wait to see what you work on today
    what program are you using to make your photo collages? they are very fun

  3. Wow, you are on a roll! Good for you:)!

  4. Hope it is a productive day for you! Have fun.

  5. So much "pretty in pink" - love it all, Stina.

    I'd love to know more about the way you present your photos - wonderful collages.

  6. You Go Girl!!!
    I agree with Darlene. It would be fun to know how you display your pictures and what program you use.

  7. I also would like to know how you make thos beautifull collages. Woah you did a lot this weekend.

  8. Your photo collages look so good!

    I finished my heart stitcheries. I hope to quickly machine quilt the piece today. Then I will have something to show you.

  9. You definitely have been busy, Stina :o) Love the pink!

  10. When I see all the things you have done, I feel like a very slow and old turtle!!!....

  11. Hey Stina! Wow! You sure have been stitching hard recently - how lovely to work on your fun projects! Your Valentine's wall hanging on your header looks great and can't wait to see your Schnibbles quilt finished. So pleased you're having some fun stitching time! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  12. Stina,
    Your work is so beautiful. It looks like you had a good time at the retreat. I also love your photography. Would you mind sharing how you make your collages? Love them!



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

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