
January 30, 2010

Second finish...

and it is PINK too..:o)

I have had a very productive and fun day... 
havent felt alone since I have had new friends 
at the cyber retreat to chat with and check what they have been doing...

But fun days does have an end to..
too bad..:o)
But another pink Valentine finish.. and
quilted and binding on..!!!!
What a happy pink day..:O)
And better off..
I think I can mange some sewing tomorrow too...
still have a lot of finishes to work on...
So .. see you all tomorrow...
Cyber retreat continues...
nighty night... :o)


  1. good night - you did have a very productive day! I should be done with my quiltlet by dinner time and then I can get back to some applique.
    p.s. I downloaded your lovely heart stitchery - thanks!

  2. Aw...I love your Valentine Angel and Stitched by my hand makes it even more special ~ LUV this! See you tomorrow. :-D

  3. love your finished project, so unique. also enjoying your blog.
    sweet dreams,

  4. Soo cute! Love your angels :o)

  5. Your valentine angel is so cute. Guess you will sew more pink today :)

  6. So adorable! I love the mix of stitchery and quilting!

  7. Men vilken underbar helg du verkar ha :) Gillar den jätte mycket och det är så spännande och se vad som produceras där uppe på vinden ;-) Denna ängel är ju så söt, mönstret ligger här bredvid mig men längre än så har det inte kommit..Men när man ser din blir man ju så sugen på att starta upp den. Men just ligger dinan underbara hjärtan i första hand att bli klara...

    Ha en fortsatt skön eftermiddag!

    p.s din quiltretrit verkar spännande det ska bli kul och se vad som händer på den :) d.s

  8. Love her!! I know I have that pattern somewhere. I love how you stitched her. Love all that pink.

  9. Cute!!! It seems like you are having a lot of fun and a lot of things done!!!

  10. I love your valentine angel! It is so cute and your schnibbles quilt is beautiful in pink too. You have been very busy.

  11. Stina, I love the look you gave this little Valentine Angel, she is sooooooo pretty. Thank you so much for the little Valentine Heart freebies. I have collected them all and working on stitching them. I am still trying to decide what to make with them. I love to come check out your blog.

  12. That is so cute. You are so good at putting fabrics together ... love it.



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

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