
July 25, 2010

Didn´t quite make it....

but sort of .. almost...:o)))

And I am talking about my Schnibble quilt... 
Joy Luck....

Have to give up for tonight..
must pack my bags... leaving for a visit to my parents tomorrow...
But I post a picture of it now... 
and hope I can finish it next weekend!!!
If I am home..:o)

And as usual... 
I just have to change 
dont know why... but I guess that is how I  work..:o)

This time don't much.. yet.. .;o)
I changed every second block to a white one instead of one with color...
too busy prints for me..:o)

See you all later.. I will be back... 

and have a wonderful week!!

Home Alone....

Tennis competitions in Skellefteå.... and the Guys are camping IN the car... 
and NO room for me.. so they left me at home... all by myself... 
at least on Friday.... :o)
because on Saturday evening Petra and her boyfriend moved in here temporarily...
Just until they find an apartment of their own..
So Happy for Petra to have found Jimmy...
he really is the THE guy for her!!!

(Just hope they find an apartment 
no offense.. I love her.. but....not all her stuff!!)

Ok.. I think I will take a break in showing the last room from exhibition ... 
Tomorrow I will go and visit Mum and Dad... for some days... 
and hopefully both my brothers...

But promise to post when I come back!!

Last month I sewed like crazy and with 48 finishes.... 
I had a big chance of being a winner in OPAM...
and I did win..:o)))

This is what I found in my mailbox ...
Kris was the one this time to put the package together...
Thankyou  so much... :o)

 Friday and Saturday.. I spent like this...
and working in my sewing room... 

and I think I have made all the no no ´s a girl can make when making this months Schnibble.. wont even bother you with them all.. but lets say... it wasn´t fun!!!

But late late last night I had some kind of a square finished... 
and hopefully it will be a quilttop done by the day!!!

See you..and HUGS!!

July 23, 2010

Last walls in first room....

...hope you bear with me some more...  :o)

When I first started to think of what to make for the show.. I knew I would make table mats..  so these were supposed to just that...
When adding them on the design wall ... 
I started to add  a little bit of that ... and that... 
and THAT...

And I just had so much fun ...
That it became four little wallhangings....

The first one Says...
To Sew...
or "Att sy" in Swedish
...and everything on these are all recycled things.. from my Grandmother.. myself... and  might even be from Great Great Grandmother...

Next one says...
or "det" in swedish

or "är " in swedish

...FUN... :o)
...Skoj... in swedish

 And I sure had fun making them..
they now sit on my wall when going up to my sewing room..:o))

Perfect reminder... to have some fun ! !

One day my Aunt came by and invited me and Guy for a little picnic outside..
It was so welcomed and soo good..:o)

Ok.. next quilt to show..
was to be Carolina Crossroads....
but I didn´t manage to finish the quilt.. but hang it I did...

Must have forgotten to take photos of that one.. but when its finished I show...:o)

Next quilt I made for my friend Louise when she had her 50th Birthday
 Think its an old Meme´s quilt pattern...

She had just made a quilt in 
and I thought this one might match her quilt...

Louise´s Flowers 

Next quilt was made to my daughter Petra for her 15th birthday...
when she had her Stars and Stripes period...

Shirts collected from my Dad and even from myself.. and brothers jeans.. and lots bought at second hand stores..

So enjoyed making this quilt.. it was so fun...
but do also remember the clipping of the seam allowances..
and the worrying for washing...and emptying in the dryer!!!

But it turned out wonderful!!!
(And heavy!!!!! :o)

 Petras Täcke

And todays last quilt is my Roundabout Schnibble...

I call it Turnabout... 
since I changed  the size and made it bigger....  

Think these were all quilts in this room... 

Have some more to show from this room.. 
the table were I had my things for sale..
but I think we take it another day... :o)

Because now I am going to sew some..
The guys are at a tennis competion in Skellefteå.. and they happily left me home alone...
Guy weekend... with camping in the car.. and no room for mama..;o)))

Have a Schnibble to work on... 
and right now I can not even come up with what fabrics I want to use...

Maybe I go outside and stitch some instead... and it will come to me..

See you...

July 21, 2010

Ready for more....:o)

part three... here we go.... :o)

Loved the windows in the house and there was already beautiful white curtains there...
but I wanted to add a little something..
So I made paper mobiles ....hearts from old books ( love books..:o)
Loved to watch them swirl in the windows...

"Paper mobiles"

In the windows I had two "Framed little mini quilts"
made from a Bareroot Pattern...

Between the windows ...
I had a little worktable for me... with some small items on...

"Love my Tea"
bag  made from a pattern by Christine Book...  
( hope this was right... correct me if I am wrong..)

And a matching "Wrap for my Tea Mug".... 

"Jar Pincushion"
And I borrowed Maricas pincushion that I made from a Jar... 
and put a little mini quilt inside...

And above all this I hung the quilt I worked day and night with ...just to get finished for the exhibition....
 I so knew that it would be just perfect for these walls and the light in the house....

(And at my place

"Butterfly Garden"
made from a pattern by Leanne Beasley....
Ahh.. and I am soooo pleased to have this one finished... started this one ...
2008... after having a class with Leanne in Trysil, Norway in 2007...

Here are some close ups....

During the class in Norway... Leanne made special blocks for us who had this class... 
and I decided to use mine and my partners in crime (who also attended)... 
Louise and Marica... :o) in this quilt
 so I just swapped some of the butterfly blocks for these special blocks...

Mine is the one with the Sunflowers... :o) 
I added a bee and some more lavender to the block....
Maricas block is the one with the Lupins and Louise´s with the Cosmos...

I also changed the stitched quilt blocks...  and used an off white linen as background and a pale pink/white thread from DMC... wanted the quilt to have a very light and almost sun faded look...

Here it is all its glory... 
I am so pleased with how it became... 

It was very hard to take photos of the quilt... 
both because of the light from the windows... and the quilt itself being so light...

but I hope you can see some of it ...

For the first time I used Swedish for the sayings in the block... 
I dont mind the English at all... but it was fun having it in my own language... 

At my work .. they made two lovely little rocking chairs from two kitchen chairs...
just made rocking runners for them...
Clever idea... and they were just perfect and comfy too... :o)

Had my Angels story with me... and thought I might be able to take a stitch or two during the show...but it was to difficult to start and stop all the time so I crocheted instead... :o) 
I also had my Gardeners Journal Blocks with me.. but oh I totally forgot about them... sorry girls..:o))
(I do have LOTS to catch up on now .. haven't I... my Stitch-a-long-girl -friends!!)

In one of the chairs my very much Loved little Bunny sat and kept count on all the visitors... 
is made from a pattern by Rosalie Quinlan...
isn't she cute..:o)

Ok.. are you still with me?????
Hope so.... so you didn't fall asleep!!! ;o)

Corner again... 
and some bags...
My blue summer bag...
"Beauty of a Flower"
also from a pattern by Rosalie Quinlan

And a recently made bag from a pattern by Keyka Lou.... 
and believe me...I hate making bags... (ask my friends...)
but with this pattern so very well described..  I made it and without ANY problems..:o)

"Bucket Bag"
Made in fabrics all recycled... ;o)
Thin old curtains in some strange polyester mix...
But it worked Super!! 
Just have to add the button I missed  to sew on before the show...;o)

And this is the bag I worked on for my design education... 
see .. I made a bag all by myself... and I just told you..
hate making

Recycling all the way here too...
stitcheries... and ribbons and ricrac and lace ...buttons..lots of them... and old crocheted tablecloths...
Ohh.. so much fun I had making this one.. adding this and that all the time... 

"Stina´s Bag"

 Ok.. this will have to be it for today..lots of photos for you to see.. hope you liked some of them..:o)
2 walls left to show in this room...
so I´ll be back with some more pics later.... and leave you with the picture from the corner....

Hugs to you my friends.. 

July 18, 2010

Ready for part two.... :o)

Ok.. hope so ...because here it is...
Second wall in my first room was for my Schnibbles....

"Summer Cross" 
made in Nicey Jane fabrics...

"Sundays Best"
made in Anticipation ( Thankyou Darlene :o)  fabrics made by Sandy Gervais...
 ++++ a lot of my own fabrics from stash


Made from Pink fabrics from stash

And finally 

all made in just old swedish fabrics
from mygrandmother and my aunt... 
and from my work...

Right in front of the Schnibble Parade on the wall ...
I set my table for some dinner guests...:o)

Another Schnibble pattern...
used for my table cloth....

I used all recycled fabrics.. like old table cloths, tea towels...old ones.. and old summer dresses.... and laced the edge... 
And a lovely and sweet summer cloth was born... 

"White Table Mats"
Recycled some old tablecloths in just white.. 
made white table mats to match the cloth ....

"Cutlery Hearts"
And recycled some more and made lovely hearts 
for the the fork and knife or/and the napkins

Picked fresh flowers the day we left my home.. and I just had to replace a few ones during the week.. despite the warm days... amazing... :o)

On the other side of the door... 

I hung my 
"Valentine 2010"

Almost sold this one...  but it went home with me and I am happy it did.... 
Love it so much....
because my friends have made blocks in it.. 
( If I had sold it.. they promised to make me new blocks... but it wouldnt have been the same...  so I am happy to still have it..:o)

2 walls with quilts showed... :o)

Do you want to see more??? 

Hope so... 

My sweet little doll "Miss Hjärta" made it to the press...
she is in the local newspaper....:o)

And "Fabric Flowers" made from a pattern in one of 
Anne Pia Godske Rasmussens books....

She charmed every one... :o)

On the wall above her three little quilts hung....

"Pink Geraniums" 
made for my mother 
Hmm.. think I have to make one for myself too..
Love this flower....

This little quilt was given to my friend Louise ...
it is a Cheri Saffiote pattern...

"Plant Kindness Gather Love"

Made one for myself too... have to find a picture of that one... 
used it the last day at the show..:o)

On top of them my pink little quilt hung... made at a class 
with Leanne Beasley in Trysil, Norway 2007

"Pink Stitchery Sampler"

Oh ... that was a fun class!!!!! :o)
Ordered the pattern for Butterfly Garden then... 
received it at Christmas time.... and have been working on it ever since.... 
and all I can say.. it is finished..:o) Pics will come..:o)

And a little view from the room...
so you can see it from a distance....
and me in my "White recycled tunic"  ... :o)

Getting late here... so I think we will save some pics for later...

Hope you enjoyed these ones...
and thanks for stopping by to see my exhibition....
See you soon... and hugs!!

July 17, 2010

Welcome to the show....

 at Majorsbostället

Nordanå, Skellefteå
5-11 July 2010

Seven days filled with lots of visitors and lovely Swedish Summer weather made my week to something to remember...

I just love this building.. it couldnt have been any better anywhere... 
Old.. from 1700... with handpainted walls....and the surroundings with old buildings...
I think it made my quilts look  even better than they are... 

One thing I was most nervous about was the hanging... since the quilts was not to touch the walls.... pheeww... a lot of thinking here.. but we made it ... husband and I... 
It took us almost 8 hours... and all I can say I was happy to have my pins and needles and rags with me...:o)

 So welcome Friends....
Lets go inside....

This is from the Entrance...where Guy and I shared a little space...

Made a little "Kviltstina" sign to hang outside my rooms....

October Schnibble "Cindy Lou Who" draped on a chair ...made in lovely French General fabrics...
One old quilt "Bearpaw" made as a sample for a class.... Pattern from a book called Little Quilts....

From here you could go just straight forward to my show or to the left to visit Guy...
and I think we will do so.... :o)

Guy Nordström 
have made the most wonderful table cloths and curtains... 
Just beautiful work...
Made in linen and cotton and with mix of the two...

I almost came home with a lovely pair of curtains...
 just sorry they were a bit short... :o( 

Enjoy the pictures....

Wasn´t this just amazing... 
and believe me.. his work is delicate and so PRETTY!!!

And then we can go back and visit me... 
The first room... 
to the right from the entrance...I hung 
"Laila´s Garden"
Pattern made by Gail Pan ... 
 and what a lovely memory to have since I met her personally when I went to Trondheim to take a class with her and Leanne Beasley...

Mostly made in fabrics from my stash.... 
Lecien ...Durham and Buggy Barn.. and who knows what else there is mixed in this one... 

Next to it... 
A little quilt "Little Things"made in a class with Leanne Beasley 

Both sad and happy  ... because I sold this one... as a wedding gift ... to a couple living in the USA...hope they will love it ... :o)

Next quilt is a quilt I think you all will remember... 
I had it as my background picture on my blog before....

My Triangle Quilt 
made in a class with Gill Turley from Great Britain...

Still remember this class with so much joy... and Gill was a fantastic teacher!!!
Finally the quilt got its buttons I intended to add all the time...
It was about time.. don't you think...:o)

This was the first corner from the show...

and I think it will be all for today...:o)

Hope you enjoyed it.. and hope you will be back to see some more....
hopefully tomorrow....

See you later....

July 16, 2010


from my WONDERFUL time at my show... :o)
 I am totally totally overwhelmed by all the wonderful people that have visited me and all the nice things said...

that visited me during the seven days ...
You have made my days so much more fantastic than I ever could imagine....


TACK TACK Alla som besökt mig under min utställningsvecka....
Tack för alla fantastiska kommentarer och stort tack för att ni besökte utställningen!!
Ni är de som är fantastiska!!
Utan ER hade det verkligen inte varit så roligt som det var!!!

Kram till er!!!

Needed time to just be with family and recover.. and I have worked full time this week ... so guess if I have been tired... pheeeww...:o)

Promise to be back with photos during this weekend...
I know you are eager to see... lol....
and I cant keep you all waiting so much longer now can I???

See you all tomorrow...
and one more thing...

I have 4 weeks leave from work...... !!!!!
Yipppie!!! :o)

July 3, 2010


Ok here comes some info in Swedish... 
for an invitation to the Opening of the Show... :o)

Hej Allihopa!!!

Nu är det snart dags... 

Måndag då inviger vi utställningen med....

För vägbeskrivning se...

Hoppas att vi syns där!!!!

Kör försiktigt... :o)

The last finish.... well almost...

Hello Friends...

Just one day left now.. 
Trailer stands on the driveway..
will pack later today...

Just a tiny tiny little finish to
Stayed up late last night and finished some scissor fobs... 
Way way to late for what was good...
But well.. they are finished..:o)

So Over and out for me Before the show... and see you perhaps at the show...
either virtual or in real life...!!!


Hope to be able to blog during the week.. but not sure...
otherwise... see you after the show!!