
November 16, 2011

Things on my mind...

...Can anyone explain to me...
WHY do one have settings on the blog just to show the first rows????

Have been catching up and believe me or not...
 I have DELETED blogs on my reader...
there is no way I can keep up with whats happening...
 so this is what I had to do..
and it breaks my heart that I must inform..
I have deleted all blogs with just the first lines showing!!
because... it really takes to much time!!
But it wasnt an easy decision..
so bye bye...

I know.. some of you dont even know it...
so please check your settings!

Pheew.. now I got that out of my chest!! 

What have happened around here..

Have sorted out and stored some of my retro fabrics in boxes...
with a lot of help from my big helper..
Miss Molly!!
I put them in and she took them out!! :O)

Have some plans for these fabrics...
but they have to wait!

Me and Molly was out on a early morning walk.. 
and I just realized I might have to keep her leashed until it all freezes..
It was sooo tempting to run out and scare some birds!! :o)
I rest and take care of a sick Molly!!
 Hope to be sewing again soon..
Christmas is coming closer.. day by day!! :o)


  1. partial feeds drive me nuts.............I HATE them too.......

  2. Those fabrics look so pretty! I love Molly - she is a little helper, well kind of ;)

  3. I rarely use reader , it drives me crazy so I just check blogs that are on my sidebar :-)

  4. Wonder what you are planning to make with all of that fabric?!?!
    Love the photo of you and your puppy snuggled up together!

  5. Those blogs drive me crazy too -- I think they do it because they have advertisers and they need the hits on their blogs to keep the advertising. I follow a few who don't have advertising -- I think they must not know they have their feeds set up that way. I can't wait to see what you do with your fabrics. And I hope Molly is feeling better soon!

  6. I don't use Google Reader so I have no idea what you're talking. LOL However, you have to do what you have to do. :-) I reads the blogs on my side bar and list of favorites. Seems to work for me.

    Can't wait to see what you're going to do with those fabrics.

  7. Yep, that bothers me too! Half the time I don't even go look. Pretty fabrics, Stina! Love the pic of Molly [I used to have an English Springer Spaniel named Molly] but seeing her on thin ice scares me! I hope she's feeling better soon, you two look so cute all snuggled up!

  8. Härligt ni har det tillsammans och då må han väl bli förlåten lite busstreck??:-)))
    Kram till er

  9. Åh, vad skönt det ser ut när ni ligger där och myser, du och Molly! Dina tyghögar är högst inspirerande och det ska bli kul att se vad dina planer för dessa är. ....och du - nu förstår jag vad du höll på och testade *fniss*

  10. Hello my friend I hope that both you and Molly are now fully rested. All that tidying and sorting has worn you out. What are you up to? Brrr! all that ice is making me feel cold just looking at it.

  11. Love your fabrics - they all look so yummy in the picture. I just adore Molly and I sure hope she's feeling better soon. No ice here yet on the lake but I think it's coming very soon.

    Take Care - Mrs. Farmhouse

  12. your knitted poinsetta flower is really pretty.
    So sorry to hear about Molly. It is tough when our buddies get sick and they can't tell us what is wrong.
    Take care and get some rest.

  13. Oh sweet Molly - hope you are feeling better (after being fed yummy yoghurt). Isn't it the best to nap close to your Mom? We just love it, we kind of box our Mom in and she can't turn anywhere. Good, then we know where we have her . But now when I (Fiona ) live a prison life within the much hated, lampshade, I can't get very close to anyone. Buhuuuu.
    Waving paws,
    Arwen and Fiona

  14. You both looks sooo cute! Harmony :o)



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