
November 16, 2011

While I´m at it...

saying what´s on my mind and what drives me crazy...:O)

Word verification...!! 
Have had mine turned off for ages and I have never ever had any trouble...
Please dont be afraid to turn it off...
just follow this link.. and read Jodis  little tutorial....

Not completely turned off
just on posts older than 15 days!!

She also have a a button on the side to check out 
if you are a NO REPLY blogger as well..
check it out if you are unsure of what your settings are!!

And She has a wonderful blog as well...
so check it out..:O)

Oh my I am Grumpy today!!!!
Too little sleep maybe...

well well.. Molly is better now..
 still not eaten anything but a little yoghurt..
but is happier..:O)

Cant end this post without pictures..
so here comes some pictures I posted last week on Instagram...

Some knitting...
really had to test and see if I could make one...

a Poinsettia..
And I did..:O))

Bye from grumpy old me!!! ;o)


  1. oh I do have tto keep the word verification.........every time I turn it off I get spammed within a day or 2...........have it on and rarely get spammed...........but it would be great if we didn't need it.........some people (spammers) have nothing better to do.........

  2. Grinig kanske du känner dig just nu - men gammal är du INTE! Tycker det skulle vara härligt att få höra dig skratta någongång - kan tänka mig hur det låter när jag tittar på bilden av dig - riktigt hjärtligt och så ser jag hur dina ögon glittrar! Skönt att höra att Molly är bättre.

  3. I find it filters spam so keep it on. I think your poinsettia petals look like the arms of starfish we find here in rock pools. They have that ridge on their arms.

  4. Oh, what a lovely flower this has become. Love it..:-)

  5. Oh I hate word verification too - and because blogger has a spam filter, I turned mine off. But I was getting INUNDATED with spam on a daily basis, and it completely stopped once I turned it back on. So I'll leave it on for a bit, turn it back off and see how it goes!

    LOVE your flower!!!

  6. I have had terrible trouble trying to leave comments in blogland. Sometimes they work with or without word verification and sometimes they just float off - who knows where. Lovely poinsettia. Of course you could make one. Didn't doubt it for one second.Looks like you are getting prepared for Christmas. Coach.xx

  7. I love your knitted Poinsettia - very festive.
    Well, I did try the no comment verification yesterday and today I received my first spam message from a pharmacy. I think it best to revert to the settings I had before.

  8. you are very clever your flower is lovely,well done

  9. I really don't dare turning off the verification... afraid of spam...
    Lovely flower you've got there. So cute :o)
    Wish you still a great week,

  10. Hope you're feeling happier soon - love your knitted flower



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

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