
May 27, 2009

Two PIF´s delivered....

and one I am still working on...
So Linda.. sorry you have to wait for yours a little bit more...

So if you remeber from a older post that I was making something...
and it looked like bread...
read this post...
It wasnt.. you knew that didnt you...
it was arms to my Angels...
Finished them last week and sent the PIF´s out to new homes...

thought that the one I sent to Italy would arrive first.. but nah.... it didnt
It was quicker to travel to USA!!!

This one I sent to Fiorella in Italy...
I used a pattern from Anne-Pia Godske Rasmussen ... just changed the quilt a little bit and stitched a little Friendship heart instead!
And made a little pincushion of scraps with
a little crochet flower...

And this one travelled to Sherri in Usa...
Sure had so much fun making these ones...
Anne-Pia has so lovely patterns...

And I am happy that they have arrived safely and being
loved in their new homes...

So off to another project...
Swap with LYN...

A little peek for you...
wont tell what on earth I am doing...
because I dont really know myself...
Hopefully I know tomorrow!!!

See you soon...


  1. I saw that little angel on Sherri's blog. You sure did a fantastic job. It is so sweet.
    Pretty blue, whatever you doing.

  2. Så søte disse engleveskene er!
    Det så litt spennende ut med den blå malingen...nå ble jeg iallefall nysgjerrig :o)

  3. Hi Sweets,
    I already said it ~ your PIF recipients are some lucky girls...the gifties are beautiful! made me curious what you're don't become a Smurf, do you? *lol*
    Hugs, Julia

  4. Stina they are just so beautiful!

  5. I so need to get moving and make my PIF's.... have you received your PIF from the person that was supposed to make one for you? Do you have to wait till you get it before you do yours? I can't even remember who was doing mine!!! That's sad hey!!! Your gifts are BEAUTIFUL!

  6. Hey Stina!
    Love love love your angels...they are adorable!!
    Isn't PIF making fun?
    I'm so interested in 'what on earth' you're doing
    and I'm glad to hear you say, you don;t know've felt like that quite a lot lately :P
    Keep up the wonderful beautiful work.
    Robyn xx

  7. Your PIF gifts are lovely! Just beautiful work Stina. :o)

  8. The PIF are adorable and they do look like they were fun to make. The fabrics you used are lovely

  9. Stina, you've turned blue! What's up?

  10. What darling and generous PIF gifts! Now what could you be doing with blue paint?

  11. The blue hand has me guessing; I love your PIF gifts. So cute!

  12. Those little Angels are sew cute Stina, and please don't touch anything until you wash that blue stuff off your hands ~~LOL.

  13. Stina, they are delightful. I'm sure they will be loved and enjoyed!

  14. AAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh you're turning blue........ Your angels are adorable and I am sure that they love their new homes as much as their new famlies love them;)

  15. Oh Stina, your PIF gifts are always so cute. I know the girls loved them.
    Now what in the world have you done to with your hands, blue girl?
    I had missed the post below and what great gifts you received and so glad your feeling better.
    Quilters have the biggest hearts.
    Keep Stitchen'

  16. Such pretty PIF'S....very lucky ladies. Can't wait to see what your peek turns in to!

  17. What lucky PIF recipients to have received these gorgeous gifts from you Stina.
    Such lovely angels and the pincushion is so pretty - the little crochet motif accent is such a nice finishing touch - love it!


  18. Hello Stina, your PIF gifts are so lovely, beautiful you really have me guessing with the blue paint????time will reveal all...heh Stina.....LOL....Hugs Lyn

  19. What fun getting gooey blue hands. :-) The angels are incredibly sweet. Were the arms from plaster in a mold or did you roll them like from plasticine? Sorry to be dim this is a new technique to me.

  20. Now I wonder what you are doing there!! Wonderful PIF gifts...lucky girls♥x

  21. Stina, have you joined Blue Man Group? :-)
    Lovely PIF gifts.

  22. I saw your sweet little angel on A Quilting Life blog. Very cute! Can't wait to see what you are doing next!!!

  23. Hey Stina! Oh! Your PIF gifties are GORGEOUS!! Your recipiants are so very lucky to get gifties from you!! Hmmm ... I'm very curious to see what you're going to do with the blue paint. Maybe you're going to paint your face blue and pretend to be Braveheart?!?! Or ... it was just really cold water that turned your hand blue?!?! I do love a good mystery! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS

  24. Another very interesting craft blog!! Happy day to you :P

  25. Lovely PIF gifts, Stina! I'm really wonderïng what you are making for Lyn LOL. Love the way you say "...because I don't really know myself ... Have a wonderful weekend full of sunshine and happiness!

  26. I truly treasure my gifts...the angel greets me each time I walk in my sewing room...I have the bag hanging from a little cupboard...and it always makes me smile!

  27. Adorable angels, Stina. I'm sure Fiorella and Sherri are very happy.
    The blue paint has me curious.

  28. What lovely gifts you always make such lovely presents. Loving those blue fingers.



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