October 1, 2012

Have fun...

Want to se some more Quilts made by Louise...????

You do!!!!
Sounds wonderful...because I have more to show!

A simple but just wonderful blue, white and cream quilt...

....A la Louise...

Another one I just have to make!!!

Talk about having to make..
This one...
Don't know how many times I have looked at 
Cheri Saffiote Paynes blog 
and wanted to make this one...

Think this one was called
Soot and Ashes
... A free pattern on her blog...

And this is Louise's version made in blues...


See...visiting Louise just made my have-to-do-list
or will-love-make-list refreshed...
Remembering quilts I so love!!
And this one is one of them... Hmmm...
Maybe in pinks..lol...

Log cabin quilt...
Don't know how many Louise have made
(I still haven't done one)
and all are a wonder of lovely scraps and colour!

B e a u t i f u l !

Blue is one of Louise's most used colours in quilts,
and this one is no exception ...
Lovely mix of fabrics...

Sorry about the pictures 
they are all a little bit blurry...
maybe I was in a hurry or maybe it was 
Louise who couldn't stand still!!
All photos are taken with my Ithings..
since I forgot the camera!!!

She always use a variety of scraps..
and mix cold and warm colours...

Now for the most important thing with my trip...
is these words...
And seeing them in Louise's sewing room...
It was such a happy feeling!!!

Have fun!
(Ha roligt in Swedish)

So thank you Louise...

Have learnt lots like...

Just do it!!
Have fun - Ha roligt!


  1. Lovely quilts! I love the colours that Louise uses. Must have been an inspirational trip!

  2. I love the new header! Quilts re gorgeous too!

  3. I enjoyed your Louise quilt show so much!! Blue has never been so beautiful.

  4. I am smiling a lot because your enthusiasm is catching. Now go and just do it. I think visiting Louise has done you the world of good and I am so pleased to hear it. Lovely post Stina. Keep up the good work. Coach.x

  5. Thank you for showing us so many lovely quilts !!

  6. Beautiful quilts, Stina. Louise is a very talented lady. Thanks for all your lovely comments on my recent posts. I tried to reply but you are coming up as 'no reply' again.:( Not sure what's going on there!

  7. Such wonderful quilts...I think I am in love with the first one...so soft and wonderful! Have a great evening!!

  8. I see lots of blues in these quilts. Blue is such a soothing color.

  9. Din nya header är super!!
    Stina,jag vaknade kl 4 i natt och såg kviltar framför mig.Den rutiga du visar först-i blått i synnerhet. Fastnade så vid den och funderade och funderade och kom på att Lise Bergene har en sån i sin bok Julens lappebok.Toppen!
    Vilken duktig väninna du har.Mitt huvud hade varit sprängfullt av intryck efter ett sånt besök.
    Har du kikat in i ditt syrum ännu ??:-))
    Ha en härlig dag.
    Kram Gudrun

  10. those are some very pretty blue quilts.



So nice to hear from you all... makes my day special...:o)

If I dont reply to your email.. you are probably set as a noreply...
so please see that there is a way for me to contact you...

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